Trachoolithus Mikhailov 1994 (theropod)

Reptilia - Theropoda - Elongatoolithidae

Full reference: K. E. Mikhailov. 1994. Theropod and protoceratopsian dinosaur eggs from the Cretaceous of Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Paleontological Journal 28:101-120

Parent taxon: Elongatoolithidae according to K. E. Mikhailov 2000

See also Amo Sanjuán et al. 2000, Huh et al. 2014, Jin et al. 2020, Mikhailov 1994, Mohabey 2001, Mohabey 2005, Simon et al. 2019, Vianey-Liaud and Garcia 2003, Wang et al. 2010, Wang et al. 2013, Watabe 2004 and Zelenitsky et al. 2000

Sister taxa: Continuoolithus, Ellipsoolithus, Elongatoolithus, Heishanoolithus, Macroelongatoolithus, Macroolithus, Nanhsiungoolithus, Paraelongatoolithus, Porituberoolithus, Rodolphoolithus, Spongioolithus, Undulatoolithus

Subtaxa: Trachoolithus faticanus

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Type: Trachoolithus faticanus

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore


• Cretaceous of India (1 collection), Mongolia (1)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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