Phocoena spinipinnis Burmeister 1865 (porpoise)

Mammalia - Cetacea - Phocoenidae

Alternative combinations: Acanthodelphis spinipennis, Acanthodelphis spinipinnis, Phocaena spinipennis, Phocaena spinipinnis

Synonyms: Phocaena philippi Philippi 1893, Phocaena philippii Philippi 1893

Belongs to Phocoena according to W. Colpaert et al. 2015

See also Agnarsson and May-Collado 2008, Ameghino 1889, Brownell and Praderi 1984, Fajardo-Mellor et al. 2006, Gray 1866, Gray 1868, Gray 1871, Hershkovitz 1966, Jefferson 2021, Mead and Brownell 2005, Palmer 1904, Rice 1998, Scheffer and Rice 1963 and Trouessart 1904

Sister taxa: Phocoena dioptrica, Phocoena phocoena, Phocoena sinus

Type specimens:

  • Phocoena spinipinnis: Buenos Aires Museum, a skull (skull & skin). Its type locality is Rio de La Plata, which is in a Holocene fluvial horizon in Uruguay.
  • Phocaena philippii:

Ecology: aquatic piscivore

Distribution: found only at Rio de La Plata

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