Subfamily Cytherideinae Sars 1925 (ostracod)

Ostracoda - Podocopida - Cytherideidae

Parent taxon: Cytherideidae according to A. P. Carignano 2012

See also Babinot and Colin 2011, Ballent 1998, Benson et al. 1961, Bertels 1969, Bertels 1973, Carignano and Ballent 2009, Hazel 1983 and Nogueira et al. 2011

Sister taxa: Basslerella, Cyprideidini, Cytheridinae, Krithinae, Leocytheridea, Neocyprideis, Neocytherideidinae, Ovocytheridea, Pirileberis, Schulerideinae

Subtaxa: Anomocytheridea Artesiocythere Asciocythere Clithrocytheridea Cophinia Cyamocytheridea Cytherideini Dolocytheridea Fossocytheridea Galliaecytheridea Haplocytherideini Heterocyprideis Kalyptovalva Kentrodictyocythere Netrocytheridea Nodophthalmocythere Palaeocytheridella Peratocytheridea Phelocyprideis Pichottia Pseudocytheridea Sphenocytheridea Vernoniella

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Ecology: epifaunal detritivore-grazer


• Quaternary of Canada (8: Ontario, Quebec collections), France (1), Italy (3), United States (4: Florida, Maryland, New York)

• Pliocene of United States (1: North Carolina)

• Miocene of Belgium (1), Brazil (19), Cuba (1), France (1), Greece (20), Italy (2), Poland (11), Puerto Rico (6), United States (1: Maryland), Venezuela (9)

• Oligocene of Germany (1), Italy (1), Mexico (11), Puerto Rico (11), Turkey (2), United States (5: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi)

• Eocene of the United Kingdom (6), United States (35: Alabama, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Texas)

• Paleocene of Argentina (4), United States (9: Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, Texas)

• Cretaceous to Paleogene of Argentina (1)

• Cretaceous of Algeria (3), Argentina (7), Austria (1), France (2), Gambia (1), Germany (6), Mexico (1), Morocco (6), Poland (3), Portugal (19), Ukraine (1), United States (10: Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)

• Jurassic of Portugal (5), Switzerland (1)

Total: 240 collections including 459 occurrences

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