Artiopoda - Agnostida - Agnostidae
Full reference: S. R. Westrop, R. Ludvigsen, and C. H. Kindle. 1996. Marjuman (Cambrian) agnostoid trilobites of the Cow Head Group, western Newfoundland. Journal of Paleontology 70(5):804-829
Belongs to Kormagnostus according to S. R. Westrop et al. 1996
Sister taxa: Kormagnostus clavatus, Kormagnostus copelandi, Kormagnostus cuchillensis, Kormagnostus inventus, Kormagnostus minutus, Kormagnostus seclusus
Type specimen: Its type locality is CH 3, Cow Head Peninsula [Shallow Bay Fm], which is in a Dresbachian offshore shelf packstone/grainstone in the Shallow Bay Formation of Canada
Ecology: slow-moving epifaunal detritivore
• Cambrian of Canada (2: Newfoundland and Labrador collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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