†Burtonella Chandler 1962 (caper)
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Dicotyledoneae - Papaverales - Capparidaceae
Full reference: M. E. J. Chandler. 1962. The Lower Tertiary Floras of Southern England. II. Flora of the Pipe-Clay Series of Dorset (Lower Bagshot). British Museum (Natural History) London 1-176
Parent taxon: Capparidaceae according to H. N. Andrews 1970
See also Chandler 1962
Sister taxa: Cadaba, Capparidispermum, Capparidocarpus, Capparis, Capparites, Forchhammerioxylon, Palaeocleome
Subtaxa: Burtonella emarginata
Type: Burtonella emarginata
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Eocene of the United Kingdom (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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