Phylloceras (Phylloceras) Suess 1865 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Phylloceratida - Phylloceratidae

Parent taxon: Phylloceras according to T. Sato and T. Yamada 2014

See also Kennedy 1994, Kennedy and Klinger 1977, Wright et al. 1996 and Wright and Kennedy 1984

Sister taxa: Phylloceras (Geyeroceras), Phylloceras (Goretophylloceras), Phylloceras (Gyrophylloceras), Phylloceras (Hypophylloceras), Phylloceras (Triphyllites), Phylloceras album, Phylloceras asperaense, Phylloceras bakeri, Phylloceras burckhardti, Phylloceras contrarium, Phylloceras cylindricoides, Phylloceras doderleinianum, Phylloceras duodecimsulcatum, Phylloceras empedoclis, Phylloceras gargantuum, Phylloceras glennense, Phylloceras guettardi, Phylloceras haloricum, Phylloceras hebertinum, Phylloceras hebertinus, Phylloceras heterophyllum, Phylloceras insulare, Phylloceras isotypum, Phylloceras knoxvillense, Phylloceras kudernatschi, Phylloceras kunthi, Phylloceras lipoldi, Phylloceras lodaiense, Phylloceras meneghinii, Phylloceras micipsa, Phylloceras nilsoni, Phylloceras occiduale, Phylloceras persanense, Phylloceras praeposterium, Phylloceras psilomorphum, Phylloceras rouyanum, Phylloceras saxonicum, Phylloceras semistriatum, Phylloceras semisulcatum, Phylloceras seresitense, Phylloceras serum, Phylloceras shastalense, Phylloceras subplicatius, Phylloceras supraliasicum, Phylloceras timothyi, Phylloceras trifoliatum, Phylloceras velaini, Phylloceras vicarum

Subtaxa: Phylloceras (Phylloceras) consanguineum

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Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Italy (1 collection)

• Jurassic of Italy (3), Japan (1), Madagascar (2), Romania (6), Spain (1)

Total: 14 collections each including a single occurrence

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