Subfamily Terebratellinae King 1850 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Terebratellidae

Parent taxon: Terebratellidae according to A. Williams et al. 2006

See also Chiesa et al. 1995

Sister taxa: Adnatidinae, Anakineticinae, Calloria, Chathamithyris, Erihadrosia, Magadinae, Magadinella, Magasella, Magellaniinae, Neothyridinae, Stethothyridinae, Tanakura

Subtaxa: Gmelinmagas Gyrothyris Iheringithyris Magadina Magella Neothyris Pachymagas Terebratella Waiparia

View classification

Type: Terebratella

Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Quaternary of Australia (4 collections), Chile (1)

• Pliocene of Chile (1), New Zealand (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Chile (1)

• Miocene of Argentina (11), Chile (5), New Zealand (25)

• Waitakian of New Zealand (5)

• Deseadan of Argentina (1)

• Oligocene to Pliocene of Argentina (1)

• Oligocene of Argentina (1), New Zealand (7)

• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Argentina (2)

• Eocene of Antarctica (4), Argentina (2), New Zealand (10)

• Paleocene of New Zealand (1)

• Paleogene of Antarctica (2)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (2), France (3), Germany (1), the Netherlands (1), Switzerland (3), the United Kingdom (1), United States (4: California)

• Jurassic of France (1), Germany (3), Portugal (1)

Total: 106 collections including 134 occurrences

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