Serripecten tiorioriensis Marwick 1928 (scallop)

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinoidae

Full reference: J. Marwick. 1928. The Tertiary Mollusca of the Chatham Islands including a generic revision of the New Zealand Petinidae. Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 58:432-506

Belongs to Serripecten according to J. Marwick 1928

Sister taxa: Serripecten aldingensis, Serripecten enfieldensis, Serripecten hutchinsoni, Serripecten marwicki, Serripecten semilaevis, Serripecten squamocostatus, Serripecten venosus, Serripecten yahliensis

Ecology: facultatively mobile low-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Eocene of New Zealand (4 collections)

• Paleocene of New Zealand (1)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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