Strepsidura polaris Stilwell et al. 2004 (true whelk)

Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Buccinidae

Full reference: J. D. Stilwell, W. J. Zinsmeister, and A. E. Oleinik. 2004. Early Paleocene Mollusks of Antarctica: Systematics, Paleoecology and Paleobiogeographic Significance. Bulletins of American Paleontology 367

Belongs to Strepsidura according to J. D. Stilwell et al. 2004

Sister taxa: Fusus (Strepsidura) perlatus, Strepsidura (Eamesidura), Strepsidura cossmanni, Strepsidura diabloensis, Strepsidura ficus, Strepsidura gracilis, Strepsidura howardi, Strepsidura kerstingi, Strepsidura pachecoensis, Strepsidura pacifica, Strepsidura reticulata, Strepsidura soldadensis, Strepsidura spirata

Type specimen: USNM 511888

Ecology: epifaunal carnivore

Distribution: found only at Locality 9 - Sobral Fm, Seymour Island (Paleocene of Antarctica)

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