Miopetaurista gibberosa Hofmann 1893 (squirrel)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuridae

Alternative combination: Sciurus gibberosus

Synonym: Sciurus goeriachensis Hofmann 1893

Belongs to Miopetaurista according to Kretzoi 1962

Sister taxa: Miopetaurista crusafonti, Miopetaurista dehmi, Miopetaurista diescalidus, Miopetaurista gaillardi, Miopetaurista lappi, Miopetaurista neogrivensis, Miopetaurista thaleri, Miopetaurista tobieni, Miopetaurista webbi

Ecology: scansorial granivore-frugivore


• Miocene of Poland (2 collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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