†Plesiosorex styriacus Hoffmann 1892 (placental)
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Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Plesiosoricidae
Alternative combination: Sorex styriacus
Belongs to Plesiosorex according to E. Thenius 1949
See also van den Hoek Ostende 2003
Sister taxa: Plesiosorex aydarlensis, Plesiosorex coloradensis, Plesiosorex donroosai, Plesiosorex evolutus, Plesiosorex germanicus, Plesiosorex greeni, Plesiosorex latidens, Plesiosorex schaffneri, Plesiosorex soricinoides
Type specimen: Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz, 1480, a mandible (mand. sin. fragment with molars m1 and m2).
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
Distribution: found only at Tägernaustrasse, Jona, Sankt Gallen ("Assemblage"-zone) (Miocene of Switzerland)
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