Plesiotypotherium achirense Villarroel 1974 (notoungulate)

Mammalia - Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae

Synonym: Plesiotypotherium majus Villarroel 1974 [objective synonym]

Belongs to Plesiotypotherium according to C. Villarroel 1974

See also Fernández-Monescillo 2018

Sister taxa: Plesiotypotherium casirense, Plesiotypotherium minus

Type specimens:

  • Plesiotypotherium achirense: ACH 26, a partial skeleton (Nice skull, some postcranial bones)
  • Plesiotypotherium majus:

Ecology: scansorial herbivore


• Miocene of Argentina (1 collection), Bolivia (3)

Total: 4 collections including 6 occurrences

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