†Conohyus huenermanni Heissig 1989 (pig)
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Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Suidae
Full reference: K. Heissig. 1989. Conohyus huenermanni n.sp., eine kleine Schweinart aus der Oberen Süßwassermolasse Beyerns. Mitteilungen der Beyerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie 29:235-240
Belongs to Conohyus according to K. Heissig 1989
Sister taxa: Conohyus grivensis, Conohyus indicus, Conohyus olujici, Conohyus simorrensis, Conohyus sindiensis, Conohyus steinheimensis
Type specimen: HKS 26, a mandible (dext with p4-m3). Its type locality is Breitenbrunn, which is in a Miocene terrestrial horizon in Germany.
Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore
Distribution: found only at Breitenbrunn
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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