Trepospira (Angyomphalus) desultoria Jeffery et al. 1994 (snail)

Gastropoda - Murchisoniina - Gosseletinidae

Full reference: D. L. Jeffery, R.D. Hoare, R.H. Mapes and C.J. Brown. 1994. Gastropods (Mollusca) from the Imo Formation (Mississippian, Chesterian) of north-central Arkansas. Journal of Paleontology 68(1):58-79

Belongs to Trepospira (Angyomphalus) according to D. L. Jeffery et al. 1994

Sister taxa: Angyomphalus (Angyomphalus), Angyomphalus basicostatus, Angyomphalus congletonensis, Angyomphalus depressus, Angyomphalus excavatus, Angyomphalus junior, Angyomphalus junius, Angyomphalus kentuckiensis, Angyomphalus lens, Angyomphalus longicostatus, Angyomphalus multicostatus, Angyomphalus northviewensis, Angyomphalus penelenticulata, Angyomphalus radianodosa, Angyomphalus radians, Trepospira (Angyomphalus) discoidea, Trepospira (Angyomphalus) discus, Trepospira (Angyomphalus) regularis, Trepospira (Angyomphalus) subplana

Type specimen: USNM 463829, a shell. Its type locality is Loc. 1. USGS 14369. Road cut on se side US 65, 0.8 km sw of Peyton Creek Bridge, which is in a Serpukhovian offshore grainstone/shale in the Imo Formation of Arkansas.

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore


• Carboniferous of United States (2: Arkansas collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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