Trilobita - Corynexochida - Oryctocephalidae
Full reference: F. A. Sundberg and L. B. McCollum. 1997. Oryctocephalids (Corynexochida: Trilobita) of the Lower-Middle Cambrian boundary interval from California and Nevada. Journal of Paleontology 77(6):1065-1090
Belongs to Microryctocara according to F. A. Sundberg and L. B. McCollum 1997
See also Sundberg and McCollum 2003
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: USNM 488938, a cephalon/head (cranidium). Its type locality is USNM Locality 41078, which is in a Delamaran marine horizon in the Emigrant Formation of Nevada.
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
• Delamaran of United States (12: California, Nevada collections)
Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence
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