Bursa Roding 1798 (frog shell)

Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Bursidae

Synonyms: Annaperenna Iredale 1936, Bufonariella Thiele 1929, Bursa (Bufonariella) Thiele 1929, Bursa (Colubrellina) Fischer 1884, Bursa (Lampadopsis) Jousseaume 1881, Colubrellina Fischer 1884, Lampadopsis Jousseaume 1881, Lampasopsis Jousseaume 1881, Pseudobursa Rovereto 1899

Parent taxon: Bursidae according to A. G. Beu et al. 2012

See also Adegoke 1977, Beu 2005, Beu 2010, Clark and Arnold 1923, Ladd 1977, Ladd 1982, Landau and Marques da Silva 2010, MacNeil 1960, Mukerjee 1939, Oostingh 1935, Perrilliat 1987, Robba et al. 1989, Sepkoski 2002, Todd 2001 and Wilson 1993

Sister taxa: Bufonaria, Bursina, Crossata, Dulcerana, Hanaibursa, Marsupina, Olequahia, Ranellina, Tutufa

Subtaxa: Bursa (Bursa) Bursa amphitrites Bursa asperrima Bursa bufonia Bursa chipolana Bursa chira Bursa condita Bursa corrugata Bursa cruentata Bursa granularis Bursa grayana Bursa koperbergae Bursa lamarckii Bursa latitudo Bursa natalensis Bursa ranelloides Bursa rhodostoma Bursa rosa Bursa rubeta Bursa rugosa Bursa saundersi Bursa scrobilator Bursa trampasensis Bursa victrix Bursa washingtoniana

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Ecology: epifaunal carnivore


• Quaternary of Angola (1 collection), Australia (1), the Bahamas (1), Costa Rica (1), Ecuador (1), Egypt (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (1), Jamaica (1), Japan (3), New Zealand (1), Panama (2), Portugal (1), Spain (5), Sudan (1), United States (2: California, Hawaii), Vanuatu (1), Venezuela (2)

• Pliocene of Colombia (1), Costa Rica (2), the Dominican Republic (7), Ecuador (3), Fiji (1), Italy (2), Jamaica (1), Mexico (3), Pakistan (1), Panama (4), Papua New Guinea (1), Spain (1), United States (1: Florida), Venezuela (9)

• Miocene to Pliocene of the Dominican Republic (10)

• Miocene of Austria (1), Colombia (5), the Dominican Republic (16), Ecuador (2), France (1), Grenada (5), India (5), Italy (1), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Panama (28), Poland (1), Spain (1), Trinidad and Tobago (3), United States (7: Florida), Venezuela (12)

• Oligocene of Peru (3), United States (1: Georgia)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Peru (1)

• Eocene of Peru (4), United States (7: California, Oregon, Washington)

• Paleocene of Nigeria (1)

Total: 181 collections including 201 occurrences

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