Baphetes planiceps Owen 1854 (tetrapod)

Osteichthyes - Baphetoidea - Baphetidae

"Diagnostic at generic-level but not at specific-level. Retained as a valid species in the interests of taxonomic stability" Clack & Milner (2015)

Belongs to Baphetes according to R. Owen 1860

See also Hay 1902, Owen 1859, Owen 1861 and Roemer 1856

Sister taxa: Baphetes kirkbyi, Baphetes minor, Baphetes orientalis

Type specimen: NHMUK R.4056/R.4183, a partial skull. Its type locality is Albion Mine, Stellarton, which is in a Moscovian terrestrial coal in Canada.


Distribution: found only at Albion Mine, Stellarton

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