Parent taxon: Ziphosuchia according to D. Pol et al. 2014
See also Bronzati et al. 2012, Buffetaut 1982, Charig 1967, Colbert 1946, Gasparini 1984, Kuhn 1966, Pol et al. 2012, Pol and Powell 2011, Sahni and Srivastava 1976, Turner and Calvo 2005, Turner and Sertich 2010 and Walker 1970
Sister taxa: Baurusuchoidea, Candidodontidae, Chimaerasuchus, Labidiosuchus, Notosuchidae, Pakasuchus, Sebecia
Subtaxa: Bergisuchidae Bergisuchus Bretesuchidae Dentaneosuchus Doratodon Eremosuchus Iberosuchus Induszalimidae Pabwehshi Pehuenchesuchus Wanosuchidae
Type: Sebecus
Ecology: carnivore
• Miocene of Colombia (8 collections)
• Oligocene of Colombia (1)
• Eocene of Algeria (1), Argentina (1), Egypt (1), France (9), Germany (2), Portugal (1), Spain (17)
• Paleocene of Bolivia (1), Romania (3)
• Cretaceous of Argentina (1), Hungary (1), Pakistan (6), Romania (11), Spain (1), United States (3: Montana, Wyoming)
Total: 68 collections including 71 occurrences