†Gymnentome Cossmann 1909 (snail)
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Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Cassiopidae
Alternative spelling: Cassiope (Gymnentome)
Parent taxon: Cassiopidae according to B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez and Y. López-Tinajero 1995
See also Allison 1955, Dockery 1993, Kase 1984 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Bicarinella, Cassiope, Coninoda, Glauconia, Glauconiella, Hexaglauconia, Mennessieria, Mesoglauconia, Paraglauconia, Pseudoglauconia
Subtaxa: Cassiope (Gymnentome) gwynae Gymnentome unicarinata
Ecology: epifaunal grazer
• Cretaceous of Mexico (4 collections), United States (20: Mississippi, Texas)
Total: 24 collections including 27 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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