†subfamily Brachyericinae Butler 1948 (hedgehog)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae

Parent taxon: Erinaceidae according to G. F. Gunnell et al. 2008

See also Gould 1995, Korth and Evander 2016 and Lopatin 2006

Sister taxa: Adapisoricinae, Cedrocherus, Changlelestinae, Dimylechinus, Entomolestes, Erinaceinae, Galericinae, Galerix, Hylomyinae, Lantanotherium, Lanthanotherium, Litocherinae, Litolestes, Luchenus, Mellalechinus, Oncocherus, Palaeoscaptor, Silvacola

Subtaxa: Brachyerix Exallerix Metechinus Postexallerix Synexallerix

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Ecology: semifossorial insectivore-carnivore


• Miocene of Canada (1: Saskatchewan collection), Germany (1), Kazakhstan (1), Mongolia (6), United States (50: California, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Harrisonian of United States (2: Nebraska, Texas)

• Oligocene of China (1), Kazakhstan (1), Mongolia (4)

Total: 67 collections including 69 occurrences

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