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Conodonta - Ozarkodinida - Polygnathidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1925Polygnathidae Bassler
1933Polygnathidae Gunnell p. 269
1977Polygnathidae Chatterton and Perry p. 785
1981Polygnathidae Clark et al. p. W103
2008Polygnathidae Donoghue et al. pp. f. 13

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
orderOzarkodinidaDzik 1976
suborderOzarkodininaDzik 1976
superfamilyPolygnathaceaBassler 1925
familyPolygnathidaeBassler 1925
familyPolygnathidaeBassler 1925

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Polygnathidae Bassler 1925
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Ancyrodella curvata Branson and Mehl 1934
Invalid names: Ancyrognathus asteroideus Stauffer 1938 [synonym]
Ancyrodella nodosa Ulrich and Bassler 1926
Ancyrodella rotundiloba Bryant 1921
Ancyrodella rotundiloba pristina Khalymbadzha and Chernyscheva 1970
G. †Ancyrodelloides Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrodelloides kutscheri Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrodelloides limbacarinatus Murphy and Matti 1982
Ancyrodelloides omus Murphy and Matti 1982
Ancyrodelloides trigonicus Bischoff and Sannemann 1958
Ancyrognathus asymmetrica Ulrich and Bassler 1926
Invalid names: Ancyrognathus iowaensis Youngquist 1947 [synonym]
Ancyrognathus triangularis Youngquist 1945
G. †Avignathus Lys and Serre 1957
Avignathus orthoptera Ziegler 1959
G. †Cavusgnathus Harris and Hollingsworth 1933
Cavusgnathus gigantus Gunnell 1933
Cavusgnathus lautus Gunnell 1933
Klapperina disparilis Ziegler and Klapper 1976
G. †Linguipolygnathus Bardashev 2002
G. †Masaraella Murphy 2005
Masaraella pandora Murphy et al. 1981
G. †Mehlina Youngquist 1945
G. †Neopolygnathus Vorontzova 1991
Neopolygnathus communis Branson and Mehl 1934
Neopolygnathus communis yazikovi Izokh and Yazikov 2017
G. †Pandorinellina Müller and Müller 1957
G. †Polygnathus Hinde 1879
Polygnathus acrinodosus Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus amphora Walliser and Bultynck 2011
Polygnathus angusticostatus Wittekindt 1966
Polygnathus angustipennatus Bischoff and Ziegler 1957
Polygnathus costatus Klapper 1971
Polygnathus damelei Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus decorosa Stauffer 1938
Polygnathus denisbriceae Bultynck 1979
Polygnathus dubia Hinde 1879
Polygnathus efimovae Kononova et al. 1996
Polygnathus hemipennatus Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus holynensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus housei Aboussalam 2003
Polygnathus ilmenensis Zhuravlev 2003
Invalid names: Polygnathus drucei Zhuravlev 1999 [replaced]
Polygnathus normalis Miller and Youngquist 1947
Polygnathus parawebbi Chatterton 1974
Polygnathus pollocki Druce 1976
Polygnathus pseudoeiflius Walliser and Bultynck 2011
Polygnathus pseudofoliatus Wittekindt 1966
Polygnathus robertensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus rossicus Zhuravlev 2000
Polygnathus salixensis Vodrazkova et al. 2011
Polygnathus varcus Stauffer 1940
Polygnathus wapanuckensis Harlton 1933
Polygnathus webbi Stauffer 1938
Polygnathus xylus Stauffer 1940
Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer 1940
G. †Siphonodella Branson and Mehl 1944
Siphonodella uralica Zhuravlev 1994
G. †Synclydagnathus Rexroad and Varker 1992
G. †Zieglerina Bardashev and Bardasheva 2012
Zieglerina ovalis Ziegler and Klapper 1964
Invalid names: Palmatolepinae Sweet 1988 [empty]
No diagnoses are available