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Holothuroidea - Theeliidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1955Theeliidae Frizzell and Exline
1957Theeliidae Langenheim and Epis p. 170
1958Theelidae Summerson and Campbell p. 968
1959Theeliidae Gutschick p. 134
1962Theeliidae Carini p. 391
1966Theeliidae Frizzell and Exline p. U645
1966Theeliidae Pawson p. U645
1972Theeliidae Mostler p. 24
1976Theeliidae Mostler and Rahimi-Yazd p. 15
1977Theelidae Wernlund p. 81
1989Theeliidae Kozur and Mostler p. 680
1992Theeliidae Gilliland p. 189
1997Theeliidae Krainer and Mostler p. 9

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EubilateriaAx 1987

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. Theeliidae Frizzell and Exline 1955
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G. †Jumaraina Soodan 1977
Jumaraina germanica Kozur 1969
Jumaraina haynesi Soodan and Whatley 1988
Jumaraina indica Soodan 1977
Jumaraina planorbicula Mostler 1968
Jumaraina rinconensis Huddleston et al. 1986
Jumaraina simoni Kozur and Mock 1972
G. †Lawsonina Soodan and Whatley 1988
Lawsonina huntingdonshirensis Soodan and Whatley 1988
Lawsonina multiradiata Soodan and Whatley 1988
G. †Micradites Deflandre-Rigaud 1950
Micradites incertus Deflandre-Rigaud 1950
G. †Neomicroantyx Mostler 1994
Neomicroantyx ingridae Mostler 1994
G. †Protheelia Frizzell and Exline 1955
Protheelia geinitziana Spandel 1898
G. †Schizotheelia Kristan-Tollmann 1972
Schizotheelia schizotoma Kristan-Tollmann 1972
G. Stueria Schlumberger 1888
Stueria blakei Soodan and Whatley 1988
Stueria elegans Schlumberger 1888
Stueria hendersoni Soodan and Whatley 1988
Stueria intercessus Deflandre-Rigaud 1959
Stueria jumaraensis Soodan 1972
Stueria kashimi Soodan 1972
Stueria malmensis Frizzell and Exline 1955
Stueria moorei Soodan and Whatley 1988
Stueria multiradiata Mostler 1971
Stueria raoi Soodan 1972
G. †Swabiaina Soodan 1991
Swabiaina sieboldi Schwager 1865
No diagnoses are available