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Calycina was named by Gregory (1900). It is extant. It was considered monophyletic by Kroh and Smith (2010).
It was reranked as the suborder Calycina by Clark and Twitchell (1915); it was reranked as the unranked clade Calycina by Kroh and Smith (2010).
It was assigned to Diademoidea by Clark and Twitchell (1915); to Stirodonta by Smith (1991); to Acroechinoidea by Smith (1995); to Echinoidea by Donovan (1993) and Jagt (2000); and to Carinacea by Kroh and Smith (2010).
It was reranked as the suborder Calycina by Clark and Twitchell (1915); it was reranked as the unranked clade Calycina by Kroh and Smith (2010).
It was assigned to Diademoidea by Clark and Twitchell (1915); to Stirodonta by Smith (1991); to Acroechinoidea by Smith (1995); to Echinoidea by Donovan (1993) and Jagt (2000); and to Carinacea by Kroh and Smith (2010).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1900 | Calycina Gregory |
1915 | Calycina Clark and Twitchell p. 49 |
1991 | Calycina Smith p. 18 |
1993 | Calycina Donovan p. 97 |
1995 | Calycina Smith p. 139 |
2000 | Calycina Jagt |
2010 | Calycina Kroh and Smith p. 170 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Unr. Calycina Gregory 1900
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Subor. †Phymosomatoida Mortensen 1904
G. †Cottaldia Desor 1856
†Cottaldia benettiae Koenig 1825
Invalid names: Cottaldia rotula Clark and Twitchell 1915 [synonym]
Invalid names: Cotteaudia [nomen vanum]
Fm. †Diplopodiidae Gregory 1900
G. †Diplopodia
Subg. †Diplopodia (Pseudodiadema) Desor 1858
†Pseudodiadema emersoni Clark 1893
†Pseudodiadema rotulare Agassiz 1836
†Pseudodiadema seguini Lambert 1900
†Pseudodiadema silbinense Stefanini 1923
†Pseudodiadema texanum Roemer 1852
†Diplopodia streeruvitzi Cragin 1893
†Diplopodia taffi Gragin 1893
G. †Gauthiosoma
Fm. †Heterodiadematidae Smith and Wright 1993
G. †Leioechinus
Fm. †Phymosomatidae Pomel 1883
G. †Acanthechinus
G. †Actinophyma
†Actinophyma spectabile Cotteau and Gauthier 1895
Invalid names: Cyphosoma persicum Cotteau and Gauthier 1895 [synonym]
G. †Aeolopneustes
G. †Dixieus
G. †Gauthieria Lambert 1891
†Gauthieria menuthiae Lambert and Thiery 1911
†Gauthieria mosae Geys 1980
†Gauthieria pseudoradiata Schluter 1883
†Gauthieria radiata Sorignet 1850
†Gauthieria radiata broecki Lambert 1897
†Gauthieria sanchezi Lambert 1921
†Gauthieria spatulifera Forbes 1850
†Gauthieria speciosa Clark 1801
G. Glyptocidaris Agassiz 1853
Subg. †Glyptocidaris (Eoglyptocidaris) Nisiyama 1966
†Glyptocidaris (Eoglyptocidaris) arctina Nisiyama 1966
Glyptocidaris crenularis Agassiz 1853
†Glyptocidaris crenularis stenozona Nisiyama 1966
G. †Glyptocyphus Pomel 1883
G. †Hemithylus
G. †Jacquiertia
G. †Lambertechinus
G. †Leptechinus
G. †Micropsis
†Micropsis desori Leymerie and Cotteau 1856
†Micropsis lineatus Clark and Twitchell 1915
G. †Narindechinus
G. †Phymosoma Haime 1853
†Phymosoma baylei Cotteay 1864
†Phymosoma binexilis White 1887
†Phymosoma corneti Cotteau 1874
†Phymosoma dixie Cooke 1941
†Phymosoma gehrdenense Schluter 1881
†Phymosoma gigantea Sanchez-Roig 1953
†Phymosoma hexoaporum Lambert 1927
Invalid names: Phymosoma paronai Checchia-Rispoli 1933 [synonym]
†Phymosoma hilli Clark 1891
†Phymosoma maastrichtensis Engel 1972
†Phymosoma peloria Arnold and Clark 1927
†Phymosoma princeps von Hagenow 1840
Invalid names: Cyphosoma Agassiz 1838 [replaced]
G. †Pleurodiadema
G. †Plistophyma Peron and Gauthier 1881
†Plistophyma asiaticum Cotteau and Gauthier 1895
†Plistophyma cubense Egozcue 1897
G. †Polyplacidia Poretskaya 1968
G. †Porosoma Cotteau 1856
†Porosoma cribrum Agassiz 1840
†Porosoma fifei Wagner 1972
†Porosoma lamberti Checchia-Rispoli 1950
†Porosoma maeandrinum Schluter 1881
†Porosoma reesidei Cooke 1953
Invalid names: Coptosoma Desor 1855 [replaced], Microsoma Cotteau 1886 [synonym]
G. †Rachiosoma Pomel 1883
†Rachiosoma corollare Leske 1778
Invalid names: Cidarites granulosum Goldfuss 1826 [synonym], Echinites saxatilis Parkinson 1811 [synonym]
†Rachiosoma hondoensis Cooke 1953
†Rachiosoma mortoni de Loriol 1887
Invalid names: Pomelechinus Checchia-Rispoli 1946 [objective synonym]
G. †Thylechinus Pomel 1883
Invalid names: Phymosomatinae Pomel 1883 [empty]
G. †Trochotiara
†Trochotiara kongieli Radwanska 1999
†Trochotiara pucaensis Fritzsche 1924
†Trochotiara suleiovense Radwanska 1999
†Trochotiara superbum Agassiz 1840
G. †Zeugopleurus
Invalid names: Polydiadematidae Hess 1972 [empty]
Or. Salenioida Delage and Hérouard 1903
Fm. †Acrosaleniidae Gregory 1900
G. †Acrosalenia Agassiz 1840
†Acrosalenia hemicidaroides Wright 1851
†Acrosalenia lycetti Wright 1851
†Acrosalenia spinosa Agassiz 1847
G. †Heterosalenia Cotteau
G. †Milnia Haime 1849
G. †Monodiadema
G. †Polysalenia
G. †Eurysalenia
Fm. †Hyposaleniidae Mortensen 1934
G. †Goniophorus Agassiz 1838
G. †Hyposalenia Desor 1858
†Hyposalenia heliophora Agassiz and Desor 1846
Invalid names: Peltastes heliophorus Desor 1864 [synonym], Peltastes ultimus Ravn 1928 [synonym]
G. †Idiocidaris
G. †Peltastes Agassiz 1838
G. †Poropeltaris
Fm. Saleniidae Agassiz 1838
G. Salenia Gray 1835
Subg. †Salenia (Pleurosalenia) De Loriol 1902
†Salenia ameri Lambert 1925
†Salenia anthophora Muller 1847
†Salenia buddyi Osborn et al. 2016
†Salenia cascadensis Linder et al. 1988
†Salenia cherei Geys 1982
†Salenia heberti Cotteau 1861
†Salenia hondoensis Cooke 1953
†Salenia mexicana Schulter 1910
†Salenia microprocta Smith 1995
†Salenia minima Desor 1846
†Salenia novemprovincialis Nisiyama 1966
†Salenia nutrix Peron and Gauthier 1881
Invalid names: Salenia cossiaea Cotteau and Gauthier 1895 [synonym], Salenia lamberti Checchia-Rispoli 1932 [synonym]
†Salenia obnupta Schluter 1892
†Salenia schencki Zullo et al. 1964
Salenia scrippsae Zullo et al. 1964
†Salenia scutigera Munster 1826
†Salenia texana Credner 1891
G. †Salenidia Pomel 1883
†Salenidia bonissenti Cotteau 1866
†Salenidia maestrichtensis Schluter 1892
†Salenidia sanctipetri Geys 1979
†Salenidia schlueteri Lambert 1911
Subfm. Saleniinae Agassiz 1838
G. †Trisalenia
G. †Valsalenia
Invalid names: Saleninae Agassiz [empty]
Invalid names: Goniophoridae Smith and Wright 1990 [empty], Pseudosaleniidae Vadet 1999 [empty]
G. †Salenocidaris Agassiz 1869
†Salenocidaris hakkaidoensis De Loriol 1902
†Salenocidaris obnupta Schlüter 1892
No diagnoses are available