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Palatobaena cohen was named by Lyson and Joyce (2009). Its type specimen is YPM 57498, a skeleton (a complete uncrushed skull, mandible, and shell), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Turtle Graveyard locality, which is in a Maastrichtian lacustrine - small sandstone/mudstone in the Hell Creek Formation of North Dakota.
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
2009 | Palatobaena cohen Lyson and Joyce pp. 460-465 figs. 3, 5, 6 |
2015 | Palatobaena cohen Joyce and Lyson |
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†Palatobaena cohen Lyson and Joyce 2009
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
T. R. Lyson and W. G. Joyce 2009 | Member of Baenidae based on location of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni between the pterygoid and halfway along basisphenoid; posteriorly expanded triturating surfaces with lingual ridge reduced posteriorly; small or absent dorsal lappet of prefrontal; and well developed pterygoid and basioccipital contact. Member of Palatobaena based on oval skull shape, dorsally oriented orbits, rounded snout, processus pterygoideus externus nearly absent, lack of lingual ridge on triturating surface, lack of nasal midline contact, and obtuse angle formed between swollen maxillae. The following characters distinguish it from Palatobaena bairdi and Palatobaena gaffneyi: bone thins near the upper temporal emargination; slender crista supraoccipitalis that comes to a point posteriorly and has little to no exposure on the skull roof. The following characters distinguishes Pa. cohen from Pa. bairdi: larger contribution of frontal to orbital margin; frontals extend posteriorly beyond posterior margin of orbit; upper temporal emargination extending anterior to the processus trochlearis oticum; smooth reflected rim on the dorsal margin of the cheek emargination; labial ridge deflected ventrally by about 20degrees maximum skull width greater than maximum skull length (Table 1); vomer about 60degrees from the plane of the basicranium.
The following characters distinguishes Pa. cohen from Pa. gaffneyi: orbit larger than maxillary shelf below orbit; well developed pterygoid contact; nasals excavated; processus inferior parietalis forming two distinct crista anteriorly; narial sulcus extending across anterior margin of frontals; tubercula basioccipitale divergent and extending posteriorly nearly as far as occipital condyle articulation. |