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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Hildoceratidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1950Bouleiceratinae Arkell
1952Bouleiceratinae Arkell p. 259
2013Bouleiceratinae Howarth p. 78

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
suborderAmmonitinaHyatt 1889
superfamilyHildoceratoidea(Hyatt 1867)
familyHildoceratidaeHyatt 1867
subfamilyBouleiceratinaeArkell 1950
subfamilyBouleiceratinaeArkell 1950

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Subfm. †Bouleiceratinae Arkell 1950
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Subg. †Bouleiceras (Colcanapites) Collignon 1958
Bouleiceras arabicum Arkell 1952
Bouleiceras elegans Arkell 1952
Bouleiceras marraticum Arkell 1952
Bouleiceras nitescens Thevenin 1906
Bouleiceras rebillyi Collignon 1958
Bouleiceras rectum Arkell 1952
Bouleiceras rochi Collignon 1958
Bouleiceras tumidum Arkell 1952
Invalid names: Colcanapites Collignon 1958 [synonym]
Frechiella achillei Renz 1912
Frechiella helenae Renz 1925
Frechiella kammerkarensis Stolley 1903
Invalid names: Frechiella liviae Renz 1925 [synonym], Frechiella pannonica Prinz 1906 [synonym], Frechiella stolleyi Renz 1925 [synonym]
Frechiella octaviae Renz 1925
Frechiella subcarinata Young and Bird 1822
Invalid names: Ammonites sabinus d'Orbigny 1850 [synonym]
Frechiella venantii Catullo 1846
Invalid names: Frechiella curvata Prinz 1904 [synonym]
Invalid names: Achilleia Renz 1913 [synonym]
G. †Jacobella Jeannet 1908
Jacobella lugeoni Jeannet 1908
Invalid names: Neoparoniceras Rulleau et al. 2003 [synonym], Oxyparoniceras [synonym]
G. †Kohaticeras Fatmi and Hölder 1975
Kohaticeras razai Fatmi and Hölder 1975
Kohaticeras rehmani Fatmi and Hölder 1975
G. †Nejdia Arkell 1952
Nejdia arabica Gelin 2022
Nejdia bramkampi Arkell 1952
Nejdia furnishi Arkell 1952
Nejdia pseudogruneri Thevenin 1908
G. †Paroniceras Bonarelli 1893
Paroniceras sternale d'Orbigny 1845
Paroniceras substernale Pelosio 1968
No diagnoses are available