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Rhombifera - Pleurocystitidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1889Pleurocystitidae Neumayr
1967Pleurocystitidae Beaver et al. p. S193
1981Pleurocystitidae Parsley p. 2
2007Pleurocystitidae Parsley and Sumrall
2016Pleurocystitidae Paul and Rozhnov p. 261

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EubilateriaAx 1987
orderRhombiferaZittel 1879
superfamilyGlyptocystitoida(Bather 1899)
familyPleurocystitidaeNeumayr 1889
familyPleurocystitidaeNeumayr 1889

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Pleurocystitidae Neumayr 1889
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Subfm. †Deltacystinae Sumrall and Sprinkle 1995
G. †Deltacystis Sprinkle 1974
Deltacystis symmetricus Sprinkle 1974
G. †Plethoschisma Sprinkle 1974
Plethoschisma grandis Sprinkle 1974
Subfm. †Henicocystinae Jell 1983
G. †Coopericystis Parsley 1970
Coopericystis pyriformis Parsley 1970
G. †Henicocystis Jell 1983
Henicocystis darraghi Jell 1983
G. †Regulaecystis Dehm 1932
Regulaecystis testudineus Nardin and Bohatý 2013
G. †Hillocystis Jell 1983
Hillocystis atracta Jell 1983
Subfm. †Pleurocystitinae Ulrich and Kirk 1911
G. †Amecystis Ulrich and Kirk 1921
Amecystis laevis Raymond 1921
Invalid names: Amecystis cordiformis Sinclair 1945 [synonym]
Amecystis nanus Guensburg 1984
Amecystis raymondi Parsley 1970
Amecystis woodi Broadhead and Strimple 1975
Pleurocystites anglicus Jaekel 1899
Pleurocystites beckeri Foerste 1924
Invalid names: Pleurocystites clermontensis Foerste 1924 [synonym], Pleurocystites multistriatus Ulrich and Kirk 1924 [synonym], Pleurocystites slocumi Foerste 1924 [synonym]
Pleurocystites distans Bolton 1970
Pleurocystites filitextus Billings 1854
Invalid names: Pleurocystis elegans Billings 1857 [synonym]
Pleurocystites laevis Raymond 1921
Pleurocystites mitratus Regnell and Paul 1981
Pleurocystites squamosus Billings 1874
Invalid names: Pleurocystites robustus Billings 1854 [synonym]
Pleurocystites strimplei Brower 1999
Invalid names: Dipleurocystis Jaekel 1918 [synonym]
G. †Praepleurocystis Paul 1967
Praepleurocystis ranaformis Guensburg 1984
Praepleurocystis watkinsi Strimple 1948
Invalid names: Praepleurocystis nodosus Westphal 1974 [synonym]
G. †Pygecystis Paul 1984
Pygecystis procera Bather 1913
Pygecystis quadrata Bather 1913
G. †Turgidacystis Parsley and Sumrall 2007
Turgidacystis graffhami Parsley and Sumrall 2007
No diagnoses are available