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Rhombifera was named by Zittel (1879).

It was reranked as the class Rhombifera by Zamora et al. (2017).

It was assigned to Hydrophoridea by Regnéll (1945); to Cystoidea by Beaver et al. (1967); to Echinodermata by Sepkoski (2002); and to Blastozoa by Zuykov et al. (2008) and Zamora et al. (2017).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1879Rhombifera Zittel
1945Rhombifera Regnéll
1967Rhombifera Beaver et al. p. S169
2002Rhombifera Sepkoski
2008Rhombifera Zuykov et al.
2017Rhombifera Zamora et al. p. 468

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EubilateriaAx 1987
orderRhombiferaZittel 1879
orderRhombiferaZittel 1879

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. †Rhombifera Zittel 1879
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G. †Acantholepis McCoy 1846
Acantholepis interruptus Jaekel 1899
Acantholepis jamesii McCoy 1846
Superfm. †Caryocystitida Jaekel 1918
Fm. †Caryocystitidae Jaekel 1918
G. †Caryocystites Buch 1844
Caryocystites dubius Angelin 1878
Invalid names: Caryocystites angelini Haeckel 1896 [synonym], Caryocystites dubia Paul 1972 [synonym]
Caryocystites lagenalis Regnell 1945
Caryocystites rugosus Bockelie 1982
Caryocystites testudinarius Hisinger and Buch 1846
Caryocystites thorslundi Bockelie 1982
Caryocystites valdari Bockelie 1982
Caryocystites variabilis Regnell 1945
Invalid names: Heliocrinites variabilis Regnell 1945 [synonym]
G. †Heliocrinites Eichwald 1840
Heliocrinites balticus Eichwald 1829
Heliocrinites granatum Wahlenberg 1821
Heliocrinites helmhackeri Barrande 1887
Heliocrinites malaisei Regnell 1951
Heliocrinites minutus Chauvel and Le Menn 1973
Heliocrinites ovalis Angelin 1878
Heliocrinites prominens Angelin 1878
Heliocrinites rouvillei von Koenen 1886
Heliocrinites stellatus Regnell 1945
G. †Stichocystis Jaekel 1918
Stichocystis alutacea Jaekel 1899
Stichocystis geometrica Angelin 1878
Invalid names: Ulrichocystidae Paul 1972 [empty]
Superfm. †Caryocystitidacea Jaekel 1918
Fm. †Echinosphaeritidae Neumayr 1889
G. †Arachnocystites Neumayr 1889
Arachnocystites infaustus Barrande 1887
G. †Deutocystites Barrande 1887
Deutocystites modestus Barrande 1887
G. †Echinosphaerites Wahlenberg 1818
Subg. †Echinosphaerites (Echinosphaerites) Wahlenberg 1821
Subg. †Echinosphaerites (Larites) de Gregorio 1930
Echinosphaerites grandis Jaekel 1899
Fm. †Dibrachicystidae Zamora and Smith 2011
G. †Dibrachicystis Zamora and Smith 2011
Dibrachicystis purujoensis Zamora and Smith 2011
G. †Vizcainoia Zamora and Smith 2011
Vizcainoia moncaiensis Zamora and Smith 2011
Or. †Dichoporita Jaeckel 1899
Superfm. †Glyptocystoidea Bather 1899
Fm. †Glyptocystidae Bather 1899
G. †Tanaocystis Sprinkle 1982
Tanaocystis sprinklei Guensburg 1984
Or. †Glyptocystitida Bather 1899
Fm. †Barroubiocystidae Ubaghs 1999
G. †Barroubiocystis Ubaghs 1999
Barroubiocystis radiata Ubaghs 1999
G. †Velieuxicystis Ubaghs 1999
Velieuxicystis ornata Ubaghs 1999
G. †Lemoneites Flower 1969
Lemoneites mirabilis Flower 1969
Invalid names: Lemoneites ambiguus Flower 1969 [synonym], Lemoneites gomphocaudatus Flower 1969 [synonym], Lemoneites simplex Flower 1969 [synonym]
G. †Sanducystis Zamora et al. 2017
Sanducystis sinensis Zamora et al. 2017
Superfm. †Glyptocystitoida Bather 1899
Fm. †Callocystitidae Bernard 1895
G. †Adocetocystis Koch and Strimple 1968
G. †Anartiocystis Ausich and Schumacher 1984
Anartiocystis foerstei Ausich and Schumacher 1984
G. †Apiocystites Forbes 1848
G. †Brockocystis Foerste 1914
Brockocystis nodosaria Foerste 1919
G. †Callocystites Hall 1852
G. †Coelocystis Schuchert 1903
G. †Hallicystis Jaekel 1899
G. †Jaekelocystis Schuchert 1903
G. †Lepadocystis Carpenter 1891
Lepadocystis moorei Meek 1871
G. †Lepocrinites Conrad 1840
Invalid names: Lepadocrinus Hall 1859 [synonym]
G. †Lipsanocystis Ehlers and Leighley 1922
G. †Lovenicystis Regnéll 1945
Lovenicystis angelini Jaekel 1899
G. †Maennilocystis Paul and Rozhnov 2016
Maennilocystis heckeri Paul and Rozhnov 2016
G. †Novacystis Paul and Bolton 1991
G. †Prunocystites Forbes 1848
G. †Pseudocrinites Pearce 1843
G. †Salirocystis Paul 2014
G. †Sphaerocystites Hall 1859
G. †Staurocystis Haeckel 1896
G. †Strobilocystites White 1876
G. †Tetracystis Schuchert 1904
G. †Troosticystis Paul and Donovan 2011
Invalid names: Apiocystinae Jaekel 1899 [empty], Apiocystitinae Jaekel 1899 [empty], Callocystitinae Bernard 1895 [empty], Staurocystinae Jaekel 1899 [empty]
Fm. †Cheirocrinidae Jaekel 1899
G. †Acanthalepis McCoy 1846
G. †Cheirocrinus Eichwald 1856
Cheirocrinus constrictus Bather 1913
Cheirocrinus dilatatus Regnell 1951
Cheirocrinus holmi Regnéll 1945
Cheirocrinus logani Billings 1857
Cheirocrinus nodosus Jaekel 1899
Cheirocrinus penniger Eichwald 1842
G. †Cheirocystella Paul 1972
G. †Cheirocystis Paul 1972
Cheirocystis ardmorensis Bassler 1943
Cheirocystis fultonensis Sumrall and Schumacher 2002
Cheirocystis liexiensis Liu et al. 2024
Cheirocystis radiatus Jaekel 1899
G. †Coronocystis Paul 1972
Coronocystis durandensis Kolata 1975
G. †Hadrocystis Sprinkle 1974
G. †Homocystites Barrande 1887
Homocystites alter Barrande 1887
G. †Sprinkleocystis Broadhead and Sumrall 2003
Sprinkleocystis ektopios Broadhead and Sumrall 2003
Fm. †Cuniculocystidae Sprinkle and Wahlman 1994
G. †Cuniculocystis Sprinkle and Wahlman 1994
Cuniculocystis floweri Sprinkle and Wahlman 1994
Fm. †Cystoblastidae Jaekel 1899
Fm. †Echinoencrinitidae Bather 1899
G. †Echinoencrinites von Meyer 1826
G. †Erinocystis Jaekel 1899
G. †Fusicystis Terentiev 2008
Fusicystis magnificus Terentiev 2008
G. †Glansicystis Paul 1967
G. †Glaphyrocystis Jaekel 1899
G. †Gonocrinites Eichwald 1840
Gonocrinites angulosus Pander 1830
Gonocrinites lahuseni Jaekel 1899
G. †Osculocystis Paul 1967
G. †Proctocystis Regnéll 1945
Proctocystis monstruosa Regnéll 1945
G. †Schizocystis Jaekel 1895
G. †Scoliocystis Jaekel 1899
Scoliocystis pumila Eichwald 1860
Scoliocystis thersites Jaekel 1899
G. †Tyrridiocystis Broadhead and Strimple 1978
Invalid names: Scoliocystidae Jaekel 1899 [synonym], Scoliocystinae Jaekel 1899 [empty]
Fm. †Glyptocystitidae Bather 1899
G. †Glyptocystella Paul 1972
Glyptocystella loeblichi Bassler 1943
Invalid names: Glyptocystella ornatus Bassler 1943 [synonym]
G. †Glyptocystites Billings 1854
Glyptocystites batheri Sinclair 1948
Glyptocystites grandis Sinclair 1945
Glyptocystites multipora Billings 1854
Glyptocystites regnelli Sinclair 1948
Invalid names: Glyptocystis Angelin 1878 [synonym]
G. †Hesperocystis Sinclair 1945
Hesperocystis deckeri Sinclair 1945
G. †Quadrocystis Sprinkle 1982
Quadrocystis graffhami Sprinkle 1982
G. †Strabocystis Sprinkle 1982
Strabocystis fayi Sprinkle 1982
Fm. †Macrocystellidae Bather 1899
G. †Macrocystella Callaway 1877
Macrocystella azaisi Thoral 1935
Macrocystella bavarica Barrande 1867
Macrocystella bohemicus Barrande 1867
Invalid names: Macrocystella obscondita Barrande 1887 [synonym]
Macrocystella durandi Aceñolaza 1999
Macrocystella greylingi Hammann and Sdzuy 2001
Macrocystella mariae Callaway 1877
Macrocystella pauli Gil Cid et al. 1996
Invalid names: Cystidea Barrande 1887 [synonym], Mimocystites Barrande 1867 [synonym]
Fm. †Pleurocystitidae Neumayr 1889
Subfm. †Deltacystinae Sumrall and Sprinkle 1995
G. †Deltacystis Sprinkle 1974
Deltacystis symmetricus Sprinkle 1974
G. †Plethoschisma Sprinkle 1974
Plethoschisma grandis Sprinkle 1974
Subfm. †Henicocystinae Jell 1983
G. †Coopericystis Parsley 1970
Coopericystis pyriformis Parsley 1970
G. †Henicocystis Jell 1983
Henicocystis darraghi Jell 1983
G. †Regulaecystis Dehm 1932
Regulaecystis testudineus Nardin and Bohatý 2013
G. †Hillocystis Jell 1983
Hillocystis atracta Jell 1983
Subfm. †Pleurocystitinae Ulrich and Kirk 1911
G. †Amecystis Ulrich and Kirk 1921
Amecystis laevis Raymond 1921
Invalid names: Amecystis cordiformis Sinclair 1945 [synonym]
Amecystis nanus Guensburg 1984
Amecystis raymondi Parsley 1970
Amecystis woodi Broadhead and Strimple 1975
Pleurocystites anglicus Jaekel 1899
Pleurocystites beckeri Foerste 1924
Invalid names: Pleurocystites clermontensis Foerste 1924 [synonym], Pleurocystites multistriatus Ulrich and Kirk 1924 [synonym], Pleurocystites slocumi Foerste 1924 [synonym]
Pleurocystites distans Bolton 1970
Pleurocystites filitextus Billings 1854
Invalid names: Pleurocystis elegans Billings 1857 [synonym]
Pleurocystites laevis Raymond 1921
Pleurocystites mitratus Regnell and Paul 1981
Pleurocystites squamosus Billings 1874
Invalid names: Pleurocystites robustus Billings 1854 [synonym]
Pleurocystites strimplei Brower 1999
Invalid names: Dipleurocystis Jaekel 1918 [synonym]
G. †Praepleurocystis Paul 1967
Praepleurocystis ranaformis Guensburg 1984
Praepleurocystis watkinsi Strimple 1948
Invalid names: Praepleurocystis nodosus Westphal 1974 [synonym]
G. †Pygecystis Paul 1984
Pygecystis procera Bather 1913
Pygecystis quadrata Bather 1913
G. †Turgidacystis Parsley and Sumrall 2007
Turgidacystis graffhami Parsley and Sumrall 2007
Fm. †Rhombiferidae Kesling 1962
G. †Rhombifera Barrande 1867
Rhombifera bohemica Barrande 1867
Or. †Hillocystida Jell 1983
Invalid names: Hillocystidae Jell 1983 [empty]
Superfm. †Polycosmitida Jaekel 1918
Invalid names: Polycosmitidae Jaekel 1918 [empty], Stichocystidae Jaekel 1918 [empty]
Invalid names: Glyptocystitidacea Bather 1899 [empty], Pleurocystitida Jell 1983 [empty]
No diagnoses are available