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Heterodontiformes (bullhead shark)

Chondrichthyes - Heterodontiformes

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1940Heterodontiformes Berg
1966Heterodontiformes Cassier p. 51
1970Heterodontiformes Applegate p. 393
1983Heterodontiformes Thies p. 28
1993Heterodontiformes Biddle p. 201
2002Heterodontiformes Sepkoski
2003Heterodontiformes Delsate p. 8
2004Heterodontiformes Underwood and Ward p. 460
2007Heterodontiformes Cahuzac et al. p. 14
2008Heterodontiformes Kriwet p. 236
2009Heterodontiformes Kriwet et al. p. 320
2011Heterodontiformes Long p. 242
2016Heterodontiformes Nelson et al. p. 59
2019Heterodontiformes Ebersole et al. p. 15

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassElasmobranchiiBonaparte 1838
NeoselachiiCompagno 1977
orderHeterodontiformesBerg 1940
orderHeterodontiformesBerg 1940

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Heterodontiformes Berg 1940 [bullhead shark]
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Fm. Heterodontidae Gray 1851
G. †Acrodonchus Fraas 1889
G. †Amacanthus St John and Worthen 1875
Amacanthus gibbosus Newberry and Worthen 1866
G. †Centracion Gray 1831
G. †Centrodus Giebel 1848
G. †Chalazacanthus Davis 1883
G. †Drepanephorus Egerton 1872
G. †Echinodus Davis 1884
G. †Gyropleurodus Gill 1862
G. Heterodontus de Blainville 1816 [bullhead shark]
Heterodontus boussioni Guinot et al. 2013
Heterodontus cainozoicus Pledge 1985
Heterodontus canaliculatus Egerton and Woodward 1889
Heterodontus carerens Kriwet 1999
Heterodontus creamridgensis Case et al. 2001
Heterodontus duffini Thies 1983
Heterodontus havreensis Herman 1977
Heterodontus laevis Guinot et al. 2013
Heterodontus lerichei Casier 1943
Heterodontus lonzeensis Herman 1977
Heterodontus philippi Bloch and Schneider 1801
Heterodontus pineti Fedorowski 1912
Heterodontus portujacksoni Meyer 1793 [Port Jackson shark]
Heterodontus rugosus Agassiz 1839
Heterodontus semirugosus Plieninger 1847
Heterodontus upnikensis Dalinkevičius 1935
Heterodontus vincenti Leriche 1905
Heterodontus wardensis Cassier 1966
Invalid names: Cestracion Cuvier 1817 [synonym], Heterodontobatis Landemaine 1991 [synonym]
G. †Hoplonchus Davis 1876
Hoplonchus elegans Davis 1876
Hoplonchus parvulus Newberry 1875
G. †Hybodopsis Barkas 1878
G. †Lepracanthus Agassiz 1843
Lepracanthus colei Owen 1869
G. †Lispacanthus Davis 1883
G. †Paracestracion Koken in Zittel 1911
Paracestracion bellis Underwood and Ward 2004
Paracestracion falcifer Wagner 1857
Paracestracion pectinatus Guinot et al. 2014
Paracestracion viohli Kriwet 2008
G. †Proheterodontus Underwood and Ward 2004
Proheterodontus sylvestris Underwood and Ward 2004
G. †Psilacanthus Quenstedt 1858
G. †Pycnacanthus Fischer von Waldheim 1852
G. †Selachidea Quenstedt 1852
G. †Strongyliscus Jordan 1925
Strongyliscus robustus Jordan 1925
G. †Tropidodus Gill 1862
Invalid names: Hybodontoidei Owen 1846 [empty]
No diagnoses are available