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Athleta roddai

Gastropoda - Neogastropoda - Volutidae

Athleta roddai was named by Squires (1987). Its type specimen is LACMIP 7488 and is a 3D body fossil.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1987Athleta roddai Squires p. 46 figs. 65-68

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
superorderLatrogastropodaRiedel 2000
orderNeogastropodaThiele 1929
superfamilyMuricoideade Costa 1776
familyVolutidaeRafinesque 1815
subfamilyAthletinaePilsbry and Olsson 1954
genusAthletaConrad 1853

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Athleta roddai Squires 1987
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R. L. Squires 1987Generic assignment based on the strombifo rm shape (unusual but present in this subfamily), posterior notch , row of nodes along whorl shoulder , thickened colume lla , and five col.umellar folds. Specific assignment based on the ex- tensive , thick , par ietal callus along body who rl ventral sur- face, a strongly tabulat e shoulder on the penultimate whorl , and small , mostly equa l-sized columellar folds.
Athleta roddai new species is most similar to Athleta tuo - meyiConrad(1853:449; 1860:298,pl.47,fig.35;Cossmann, I 899:pl. 5, fig. 5; Palmer , 1937:373 - 374, pl. 58, fig. 11; Gard- ner , 1945:228 , pl. 12, figs. 10- 12; Fisher , Rodda , and Die- trich,1964:47-53,pl.8,figs.5,6;Dockery,1980:115-116, pl. 2, figs. 7a, b) from upper Paleocene through lower Eocene strata , Atlantic and Gulf coasta.l plains. Maldonado-Koerdell (1950) also tentatively reported A. tuomeyi from Eocene strata in Chiapas , Mexico. Athleta roddai differs from A. tuomeyi in the following features: presence of a strongly tabulate shoulder on the penultimate whorl , no subsutural ridge on spi re whorls , nodes on th e body whorl shoulder rather than pointed spines , less persistent collabral swellings anterior to nodes on shoulder of body whorl , fewer and less pronounced spiral ribs on base of body whorl, and a more prominent posterior notch. The columellar folds are also closer together , more equal-sized , and smaller than those of A. tuomeyi. In addition , the parietal callus is not as extreme and does not spread from the parietal region to cover most of the spire as happens in many specimens of A. tuomeyi. It is important to mention , however , the degree of callosity in A. tuomeyi is variable (Fisher, Rodda, and Dietrich, 1964).