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Rikisaurus was named by Wiffen (1990). Its type is Rikisaurus tehoensis.
It was assigned to Mosasaurinae by Wiffen (1990).
It was assigned to Mosasaurinae by Wiffen (1990).
R. tehoensis (type species)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1990 | Rikisaurus Wiffen |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Reference | Diagnosis | |
J. Wiffen 1990 | A small adult mosasaurine with a combination of characteristics distinct from other known taxa, representing an intermediate stage of development between Clidastes and Mosasaurus. Muzzle is long and slender tapering to a point, the premaxilla is "V" shaped in cross-section with no rostrum anterior to the premaxillary teeth. 13/14 teeth in maxilla, 9 in the pterygoids. All teeth are small, bicarinate, and the enamel surfaces smooth. Prefrontal forms a small part of external nares. Frontal is narrow with straight lateral border and median dorsal ridge. Tongues from the frontal lie parallel to the "V" which surrounds the round parietal foramen. Parietal table long. Suspensorial arcade low, posterior width of skull narrow. Mandible slender, 15/16
teeth. Lower jaws deepening midway, with distinctive semicircular coronoid, and elongate posterior development of lower jaws. Cervical vertebrae small, with round articular facets. |