Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Nuthetes was named by Owen (1854). Its type is Nuthetes destructor.
It was synonymized subjectively with Megalosaurus by Romer (1956), Tatarinov (1964), Romer (1966) and Steel (1970); it was considered a nomen dubium by Holtz et al. (2004).
It was assigned to Crocodilia by Owen (1879) and Damon (1884); to Dinosauria by Lydekker (1888); to Lacertilia by Owen (1854), Owen (1861), Owen (1861) and Mansel-Pleydell (1888); to Saurischia by Seeley (1893); to Megalosauridae by Nopcsa (1901); to Coeluridae by von Zittel (1911); to Megalosauridae by Zittel (1890), Van Den Broeck (1900), Chakravarti (1935) and Delair (1960); to Carnosauria by Delair (1973); to Velociraptorinae by Knoll and Ruiz-Omeñaca (2009); and to Dromaeosauridae by Milner (2002), Naish and Martill (2007), Benson and Barrett (2009) and Allain et al. (2022).
It was synonymized subjectively with Megalosaurus by Romer (1956), Tatarinov (1964), Romer (1966) and Steel (1970); it was considered a nomen dubium by Holtz et al. (2004).
It was assigned to Crocodilia by Owen (1879) and Damon (1884); to Dinosauria by Lydekker (1888); to Lacertilia by Owen (1854), Owen (1861), Owen (1861) and Mansel-Pleydell (1888); to Saurischia by Seeley (1893); to Megalosauridae by Nopcsa (1901); to Coeluridae by von Zittel (1911); to Megalosauridae by Zittel (1890), Van Den Broeck (1900), Chakravarti (1935) and Delair (1960); to Carnosauria by Delair (1973); to Velociraptorinae by Knoll and Ruiz-Omeñaca (2009); and to Dromaeosauridae by Milner (2002), Naish and Martill (2007), Benson and Barrett (2009) and Allain et al. (2022).
N. destructor (type species)
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1854 | Nuthetes Owen p. 420 |
1861 | Nuthetes Owen p. 31 |
1879 | Nuthetes Owen p. 16 |
1884 | Nuthetes Damon p. 211 |
1888 | Nuthetes Lydekker p. 247 |
1888 | Nuthetes Mansel-Pleydell p. 7 |
1890 | Nuthetes Zittel p. 727 |
1893 | Nuthetes Seeley p. 228 |
1900 | Nuthetes Van Den Broeck p. 84 |
1901 | Nuthetes Nopcsa p. 201 |
1911 | Nuthetes von Zittel p. 281 |
1935 | Nuthetes Chakravarti p. 141 |
1960 | Nuthetes Delair p. 79 |
1973 | Nuthetes Delair p. 3 |
2002 | Nuthetes Milner p. 192 |
2007 | Nuthetes Naish and Martill p. 495 |
2009 | Nuthetes Benson and Barrett p. 142 |
2009 | Nuthetes Knoll and Ruiz-Omeñaca p. 610 |
2022 | Nuthetes Allain et al. |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Reference | Diagnosis | |
J. B. Delair 1960 | Teeth of the same general type, though much smaller, of Megalosaurus; not implanted in separate alveoli, and partly anchylosed to the side of the jaw. Jaw relatively slender in proportion to its length. Other characters unknown. |