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Baena ornata was named by Gilmore (1935). Its type specimen is USNM 13229, a shell (nearly perfect carapace and plastron), and it is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is 3 miles northeast of Hunter's Store (Bisti P.O.), which is in a Campanian terrestrial horizon in the Kirtland Formation of New Mexico. It is the type species of Scabremys.
It was recombined as Denazinemys ornata by Lucas and Sullivan (2006); it was recombined as Scabremys ornata by Sullivan et al. (2012) and Joyce and Lyson (2015).
It was recombined as Denazinemys ornata by Lucas and Sullivan (2006); it was recombined as Scabremys ornata by Sullivan et al. (2012) and Joyce and Lyson (2015).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1935 | Baena ornata Gilmore p. 165 |
1972 | Baena ornata Gaffney pp. 302-303 |
2006 | Denazinemys ornata Lucas and Sullivan pp. 226-227 |
2012 | Scabremys ornata Sullivan et al. p. 341 fig. 20.3 |
2015 | Scabremys ornata Joyce and Lyson |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
†Scabremys ornata Gilmore 1935
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Reference | Diagnosis | |
E. S. Gaffney 1972 | " . . . the ornate sculpture of Baena ornata at once distinguishes this species from all described forms, with the possible exception of B. nodosa. From that species it may be distinguished by the more quadrangular form of the shell; greatest transverse diameter at mid-length; quadrangular shape of first vertebral and the absence of accessory scutes lateral to the first vertebral; and in having all the vertebrals wider than long" (Gilmore, 1935, p. 168). | |
S. G. Lucas and R. M. Sullivan 2006 | A species of Denazinemys distinguished from D. nodosa by the sub-rectangular shaped carapace, absence of paired anterior supramarginal scutes so that the first vertebral scute is rectangular, relatively wide (square) vertebral scutes and less scalloped posterior peripheral scutes.
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R. M. Sullivan et al. 2012 | Differs from Denazinemys nodosa by the following features: carapace oval, with widest dimension midway along carapace; prominent midline ridge formed by three or four raised ridges, separated by narrow grooves, that extend for nearly the entire length of the carapace; no prepleurals; first vertebral irregular hexagonal shape with greatest width anteriorly, contacting the cervical and both first marginals; extracervicals absent, and gulars not subdivided. |