Basic info | Taxonomic history | Classification | Included Taxa |
Morphology | Ecology and taphonomy | External Literature Search | Age range and collections |
Xenoceltitidae was named by Spath (1930). It is not extant. Its type is Xenoceltites.
It was assigned to Xenodiscida by Spath (1934); to Noritaceae by Kummel (1969); to Xenodiscaceae by Tozer (1994); and to Xenodiscoidea by Shigeta and Zakharov (2009), Brayard et al. (2021) and Smyshlyaeva and Zakharov (2021).
It was assigned to Xenodiscida by Spath (1934); to Noritaceae by Kummel (1969); to Xenodiscaceae by Tozer (1994); and to Xenodiscoidea by Shigeta and Zakharov (2009), Brayard et al. (2021) and Smyshlyaeva and Zakharov (2021).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1930 | Xenoceltitidae Spath |
1934 | Xenoceltitidae Spath |
1969 | Xenoceltitidae Kummel |
1994 | Xenoceltitidae Tozer pp. 49, 50 |
2009 | Xenoceltitidae Shigeta and Zakharov p. 65 |
2021 | Xenoceltitidae Brayard et al. p. 7 |
2021 | Xenoceltitidae Smyshlyaeva and Zakharov p. 495 |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
Fm. †Xenoceltitidae Spath 1930
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G. †Eukashmirites Kummel 1969
†Eukashmirites acutangulatus Welter 1922
†Eukashmirites contortus Astakhova 1960
†Eukashmirites subdimorphus Kiparisova 1947
G. †Glyptophiceras Spath 1930
†Glyptophiceras himalayanum Griesbach 1880
†Glyptophiceras japonicum Nakazawa and Shimizu 1955
†Glyptophiceras kashmiricum Spath 1930
†Glyptophiceras minimum Spath 1935
†Glyptophiceras mirum Smyshlyaeva and Zakharov 2021
†Glyptophiceras ophioides Spath 1934
†Glyptophiceras polare Spath 1935
†Glyptophiceras sinuatum Waagen 1895
Invalid names: Lecanites laqueus Waagen 1895 [synonym], Xenoceltites pulcher Guex 1978 [synonym], Xenodiscus aequicostatus Diener 1913 [synonym], Xenodiscus althothae Diener 1913 [synonym], Xenodiscus comptoni Diener 1913 [synonym], Xenodiscus salomonii Diener 1913 [synonym]
G. †Inyoceras Tozer 1994
†Inyoceras bittneri Hyatt and Smith 1905
†Inyoceras multicameratus Smith 1914
†Inyoceras singularis Zakharov and Smyshlyaeva 2016
G. †Shimanskyites Zakharov and Smyshlyaeva 2016
†Shimanskyites shimanskyi Zakharov and Smyshlyaeva 2016
G. †Subvishnuites Spath 1930
†Subvishnuites enveris Arthaber 1911
†Subvishnuites posterus Brühwiler et al. 2012
†Subvishnuites stokesi Kummel and Steele 1962
†Subvishnuites yushuensis Wang and Chen 1979
Invalid names: Parinyoites Popov 1962 [synonym]
G. †Sulioticeras Tozer 1994
†Sulioticeras inflatus Kiparisova 1961
†Sulioticeras intermedium Tozer 1965
†Sulioticeras sulioticum Arthaber 1911
G. †Xenoceltites Spath 1930
†Xenoceltites cordilleranus Smith 1932
Invalid names: Xenodiscus intermontanus Smith 1932 [synonym]
†Xenoceltites crenoventrosus Chao 1959
†Xenoceltites crenulatus Guex et al. 2005
†Xenoceltites evolutus Waagen 1895
†Xenoceltites matheri Mathews 1929
†Xenoceltites opimus Guo 1982
†Xenoceltites pauciradiatus Brayard and Bucher 2008
†Xenoceltites praematurus Guo 1982
†Xenoceltites rotula Waagen 1895
†Xenoceltites spencei Hyatt and Smith 1905
†Xenoceltites subevolutus Spath 1930
Invalid names: Xenoceltites gregoryi Spath 1934 [synonym], Xenoceltites spitsbergensis Spath 1934 [synonym], Xenodiscus douglasensis Mathews 1929 [synonym], Xenodiscus rotula Waagen 1895 [synonym]
†Xenoceltites subvariocostatus Zakharov and Smyshlyaeva 2013
†Xenoceltites variocostatus Brayard and Bucher 2008
†Xenoceltites youngi Kummel and Steele 1962
†Xenoceltites ziyunensis Wang 1978
Invalid names: Inyoitinae Spath 1934 [empty]
No diagnoses are available