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Planolites was named by Nicholson (1873). It is considered to be a form taxon.

It was assigned to Ichnofossils by Hantzschel (1975).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1873Planolites Nicholson
1975Planolites Hantzschel

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genusPlanolitesNicholson 1873

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Planolites Nicholson 1873
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Planolites annularis Walcott 1890
Planolites annularius Walcott 1890
Planolites ballandus Webby 1970
Planolites beverleyensis Billings 1862
Planolites congregatus Billings 1861
Planolites corrugatus Walcott 1899
Planolites incipiens Billings 1861
Planolites montanus Richter 1937
Planolites reticulatus Alpert 1975
Planolites serpens Webby 1970
Planolites striatus Hall 1852
Planolites superbus Walcott 1899
Planolites terraenovae Fillion and Pickerill 1990
Planolites virgatus Hall 1847
W. Hantzschel 1975Cylindrical or subcylindrical infilled burrows (diameter up to 15 mm), straight to gently curved, nonbranching; usually more or less horizontal or oblique to bedding planes, penetrating sediment in irregular course and direction, may cross one another.