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Lingulata - Lingulida - Acrothelidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1893Acrothelidae Schuchert
1993Acrothelidae Brock and Cooper p. 782
1993Acrothelidae Puura and Holmer
2000Acrothelidae Bruton and Harper
2000Acrothelidae Williams et al. p. 92
2017Acrothelidae Skovsted et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumLinguliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classLingulataGorjansky and Popov 1985
orderLingulidaWaagen 1885
familyAcrothelidaeSchuchert 1893
familyAcrothelidaeSchuchert 1893

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Acrothelidae Schuchert 1893
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Subfm. †Acrothelinae Walcott and Schuchert 1908
G. †Acrothele Linnarsson 1876
Subg. †Acrothele (Redlichella) Walcott 1908
Acrothele affinis Resser 1939
Acrothele artemis Walcott 1908
Acrothele bellapunctata Walcott 1908
Acrothele bellula Walcott 1897
Acrothele bergeroni Walcott 1908
Acrothele borgholmensis Walcott 1908
Acrothele concava Cooper et al. 1952
Acrothele coriacea Linnarsson 1876
Acrothele decipiens Walcott 1897
Acrothele dichotoma Walcott 1884
Acrothele levisensis Walcott 1908
Acrothele minuta Walcott 1905
Acrothele primaeva de Verneuil and Barrande 1860
Acrothele rarus Walcott 1905
Acrothele sougyi Poulsen 1960
Acrothele speciosa Resser 1938
Acrothele spinulosa Poulsen 1960
Acrothele subsidua White 1874
Acrothele subsidua hera Walcott 1908
Acrothele turneri Walcott 1908
Acrothele woodworthi Walcott 1908
Acrothele yorkensis Walcott 1908
Invalid names: Dearbornia Walcott 1908 [synonym], Glyptacrothele [synonym], Redlichella [synonym]
G. †Orbithele Sdzuy 1955
Orbithele undulosa Barrande 1879
G. †Schizopholis Waagen 1885
Schizopholis rugosa Waagen 1885
G. †Spinulothele Rowell 1977
Spinulothele dubia Walcott 1912
Subfm. †Conodiscinae Rowell 1965
G. †Conodiscus Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Discotreta Ulrich and Cooper 1936
G. †Eothele Rowell 1980
Eothele granulata Roberts and Jell 1990
Eothele napuru Kruse 1990
Eothele spurri Walcott 1908
Eothele tubulus Ushatinskaya 1987
No diagnoses are available