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Gastropoda - Eocypraeidae

Luponovula was named by Sacco (1894) [Sepkoski's age data: T Eo-m T Ol-l].

It was assigned to Neotaenioglossa by Sepkoski (2002); to Sulcocypraeini by Fehse (2013); and to Sulcocypraeinae by Groves and Squires (2023).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1894Luponovula Sacco
2002Luponovula Sepkoski
2013Luponovula Fehse p. 132
2023Luponovula Groves and Squires p. 33

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassCaenogastropoda(Cox 1959)
Sorbeoconcha(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
Hypsogastropoda(Ponder and Lindberg 1997)
superorderLatrogastropodaRiedel 2000
superfamilyCypraeoidea(Rafinesque 1815)
familyEocypraeidaeSchilder 1924
subfamilySulcocypraeinaeSchilder 1939
genusLuponovulaSacco 1894

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Luponovula Sacco 1894
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Luponovula boggsi Olsson 1928
Luponovula maniobraensis Squires and Advocate 1986
Luponovula merlei Dolin and Ledon 2002
Luponovula normalis de Gregorio 1880
Luponovula quaggiottoi Dolin and Pacaud 2009
Luponovula rouaulti Cossmann 1923
Luponovula rugosa Broderip 1827
Invalid names: Luponovula proserpinae Bayan 1870 [synonym]
L. T. Groves and R. L. Squires 2023Shell dorsally swollen, right lateral side with prominent border, denticulation prominent on inner edge of outer lip, base can be smooth or sculptured with lateral ribs.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitec
Locomotion: actively mobilesuperf
Life habit: epifaunalsuperf
Diet: omnivoresuperf
Diet 2: grazersuperf
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2009-09-10 07:50:44
Modified: 2009-09-10 09:50:44
Source: superf = superfamily, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Hendy et al. 2009

Age range

Maximum range based only on fossils: base of the Ypresian to the top of the Late/Upper Eocene or 56.00000 to 33.90000 Ma
Minimum age of oldest fossil (stem group age): 47.8 Ma

Collections (10 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8France Cypraea rouaulti, L. quaggiottoi, L. merlei (183755) Eocypraea rouaulti (183748) L. merlei (183745 183747)
Ypresian56.0 - 47.8USA (California) Eocypraea maniobraensis (177611 193542)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Italy (Veneto) L. normalis (177670)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3USA (California) L. maniobraensis (201700)
Lutetian47.8 - 41.3Italy (Vicenza) L. normalis (177665)
Late/Upper Eocene37.2 - 33.9Peru (Piura) Cypraea boggsi (88392)