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Camptonectes bubonis

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinidae

Pecten (Camptonectes) bubonis was named by Stephenson (1941) [m. kosnik taxon no: 2533].

It was recombined as Camptonectes bubonis by Kiessling (2004).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2004Camptonectes bubonis Kiessling

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderPectinida(Gray 1854)
suborderPectinidina(Adams and Adams 1858)
superfamilyPectinoideaRafinesque 1815
PectinoidaeRafinesque 1815
familyPectinidaeWilkes 1810
genusCamptonectesMeek 1864
speciesbubonis(Stephenson 1941)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Camptonectes bubonis Stephenson 1941
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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitef
Composition 2: aragonitef
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: facultatively mobilef
Life habit: low-level epifaunalf
Diet: suspension feederf
Vision: limitedf
Created: 2007-10-05 05:02:01
Modified: 2010-02-16 06:48:49
Source: f = family, o = order
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Maastrichtian to the top of the Early/Lower Maastrichtian or 70.60000 to 66.00000 Ma

Collections (170 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Maryland) Camptonectes bubonis (1312)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Missouri) Camptonectes bubonis (1295)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (South Carolina) Camptonectes bubonis (1310)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Arkansas) Camptonectes bubonis (4389)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Alabama) Camptonectes bubonis (1306 1307 1308 4257)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Texas) Camptonectes bubonis (1296 1298 1299 1300 1301 1395 4526 4527 4573 4594 4595 4596 7489 7571 205408 205541)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Mississippi) Camptonectes bubonis (1303 1304 1305 1391 205512)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (New Jersey) Camptonectes bubonis (1313 4378 4380)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (North Carolina) Camptonectes bubonis (1311)
Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0USA (Georgia) Camptonectes bubonis (1309)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Alabama) Camptonectes bubonis (4238 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4250 4253 4254 4255 4259 4262 4263 4264 4270 4273 4274 4275 4276 4283 4286 4325)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Mississippi) Camptonectes bubonis (4104 4105 4107 4108 4109 4111 4112 4113 4120)
Early/Lower Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Georgia) Camptonectes bubonis (4265 4267 4269 4277 4278 4279 4281 4282 4287 4288 4291 4294 4295 4297 4300 4301 4305 4313 4318 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4341)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Maryland) Camptonectes bubonis (4366 4367 4369 4370 4371 4373)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Mississippi) Camptonectes bubonis (4106 4122 4124 4125 4127 4129 4131 4136 4137 4143 4168 4170 4172)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Missouri) Camptonectes bubonis (4383 4384 4385 4386)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Texas) Camptonectes bubonis (4400 4401 4447 4453 4456 4457 4458 4459 4461 4467 4468 4473 4475 4480 4481 4488 4489 4490 4491 4494 4496 4501 4502 4506 4516 7516)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (North Carolina) Camptonectes bubonis (4363)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (Alabama) Camptonectes bubonis (4175 4186 4197 4200 4201 4202 4205 4209 4210 4216 4217 4219 4224 4237 83225 83237 83238)
Late/Upper Maastrichtian70.6 - 66.0USA (South Carolina) Camptonectes bubonis (4345 4346 4348 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4359 4362)