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Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Strophomenidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1933Longvillia Bancroft
2000Longvillia Williams et al. p. 224
2002Longvillia Popov et al.
2004Longvillia Roomusoks
2010Longvillia Cocks

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
orderStrophomenidaOpik 1934
superfamilyStrophomenoideaKing 1846
familyStrophomenidaeKing 1846
subfamilyStrophomeninaeKing 1846
genusLongvilliaBancroft 1933

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Longvillia Bancroft 1933
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Longvillia asmusi Verneuil 1845
Longvillia deficiens Reed 1917
Longvillia grandis de Sowerby and Murchison 1839
Longvillia lanx Popov 1985
Longvillia mediterranea Havlicek 1981
Longvillia norvegica Spjeldnaes 1957
Strophomena norvegica lata Williams 1962
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Entire body: yesf
Adult length: 10 to < 100f
Adult width: 10 to < 100f
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2009-06-11 19:20:40
Modified: 2009-06-11 21:20:40
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Hendy 2009, Aberhan et al. 2004, Nesnidal et al. 2013

Age range: base of the Burrellian to the top of the Rawtheyan or 456.60000 to 445.20000 Ma

Collections (34 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Dobrotivian - Berounian459.0 - 449.8France L. sp. (21007)
Dobrotivian - Berounian459.0 - 449.8France (Montagne Noire) L. sp. (21005)
Costonian - Longvillian458.4 - 455.0Norway (Oslo) Strophomena norvegica (194668)
Sandbian458.4 - 453.0Estonia L. sp. (164246)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5Kazakhstan L. lanx (80259 80261)
Idavere - Oandu458.0 - 451.8Norway (Ringerike) Strophomena norvegica (164036)
Berounian - Pusgillian457.9 - 449.2France (Languedoc-Roussillon) L. mediterranea (166747)
Rocklandian - Kirkfieldian457.3 - 449.6United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) Strophomena norvegica (89157)
Haljala - Keila456.8 - 453.0Norway (Oslo) Strophomena norvegica (162992)
Burrellian456.6 - 452.5United Kingdom L. sp. (173762)
Burrellian456.6 - 452.5United Kingdom (Shropshire) L. sp. (173750)
Burrellian456.6 - 452.5United Kingdom (Scotland) Strophomena deficiens (165043)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Estonia (Lääne) Strophomena asmusi (195653 195654)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Lithuania Strophomena asmusi (207210)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Latvia Strophomena asmusi (207211)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Estonia (Lääne-Viru) Actinomena amusi (166041 166050) L. asmusi (168631 168686)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Estonia (Harju) Actinomena amusi (174339) L. asmusi (168522)
Keila453.9 - 453.0Latvia (Daugavpils) Strophomena asmusi (192985)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Latvia Strophomena asmusi (207213)
Oandu453.0 - 451.8Lithuania Strophomena asmusi (207212)
Katian453.0 - 445.2Estonia L. sp. (164264 164265 164267)
Cheneyan - Marshbrookian452.5 - 454.0United Kingdom (Wales) L. grandis (173779 173794)
Kralodvorian449.8 - 445.2France (Languedoc-Roussillon) L. mediterranea (166748)
Pirgu449.5 - 445.2Norway (Asker) Strophomena asmusi (164216)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2Norway (Asker) Strophomena asmusi (163413)