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Aviculopecten batesvillensis

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Aviculopectinidae

Aviculopecten batesvillensis was named by Weller (1897) [= Aviculopecten sp. Gordon & Henry 1981 pl. 4 f. 19 (Hoare 1993: 384)]. It is a 3D body fossil.

It was recombined as Deltopecten batesvillensis by Girty (1911).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1897Aviculopecten batesvillensis Weller p. 263 figs. pl. 20 f. 3-4
1911Deltopecten batesvillensis Girty p. 89 figs. pl . 11 f. 1-4
1915Aviculopecten batesvillensis Girty
1991Aviculopecten batesvillensis Busanus and Hoare p. 470 figs. 4.3 – 4.5
1993Aviculopecten batesvillensis Hoare p. 384 fig. 4.4

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderPectinida(Gray 1854)
suborderAnomiidinaGray 1854
AviculopectinoideiStarobogatov 1992
superfamilyAviculopectinoideaMeek and Hayden 1864

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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J. W. Busanus and R. D. Hoare 1991Aviculopecten with umbonal angle of 80-90O on moderately convex left valve; shell body ornamented with up to 70 unequal, rounded, radial costae, alternating in size, in- creasing by intercalation; 6-8 costae on anterior auricle, 10-15 costae on posterior auricle.
R. D. Hoare 1993Aviculopecten with nearly acline left valve; beak extends slightly above hingeline; greatest convexity just ventral to umbo; anterior auricle slightly larger and more distinctly set off from body than posterior auricle; body ornamentation of 30 slightly irregular, equal-sized, costae of two, possibly three, ranks; four costae on anterior auricle, 3-4 costae on posterior auricle; costae crossed by numerous fine, comarginal filae.
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitef
Composition 2: low Mg calcitef
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: stationaryo
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2007-10-05 04:31:45
Modified: 2007-10-05 06:31:45
Source: f = family, o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Kiessling 2004

Age range: Serpukhovian or 330.90000 to 323.20000 Ma

Collections (4 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (West Virginia) Aviculopecten batesvillensis (92956 92967 92974)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2USA (West Virginia) Aviculopecten batesvillensis (56142)