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Cupittheca mira


Paragloborilus mirus was named by He (1977). It is a 3D body fossil. It is the type species of Actinotheca.

It was recombined as Actinotheca mira by Xiao and Zhou (1984); it was recombined as Emeitheca mirus by Duan (1984); it was recombined as Cupittheca mira by Parkhaev and Demidenko (2010); it was recombined as Cupitheca mira by Kouchinsky et al. (2017).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1977Paragloborilus mirus He
1984Cupitheca brevituba Duan p. 154
1984Cupitheca manicae Duan p. 155
1984Cupitheca suborbicularis Duan p. 155
1984Ensitheca ensiformis Duan p. 157
1984Varitheca intermedia Duan p. 157
1984Varitheca mammilata Duan p. 157
1984Emeitheca mirus Duan p. 158
1984Actinotheca mira Xiao and Zhou p. 147 figs. P. 1, figs. 1-5, 7, 9; Pl. 2, figs. 9-18
1990Actinotheca suborbicularis Bengtson et al. p. 203
2010Cupittheca mira Parkhaev and Demidenko p. 949
2017Cupitheca mira Kouchinsky et al. p. 391

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EubilateriaAx 1987
speciesmira(He 1977)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Cupittheca mira He 1977
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Invalid names: Cupitheca brevituba Duan 1984 [synonym], Cupitheca manicae Duan 1984 [synonym], Cupitheca suborbicularis Duan 1984 [synonym], Ensitheca ensiformis Duan 1984 [synonym], Varitheca intermedia Duan 1984 [synonym], Varitheca mammilata Duan 1984 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitep
Environment: marinep
Locomotion: stationaryp
Life habit: epifaunalp
Diet: suspension feederp
Vision: blindp
Created: 2009-04-21 11:54:00
Modified: 2011-03-22 11:35:54
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Hendy et al. 2009

Age range: base of the Jinnigian to the top of the Atdabanian or 538.80000 to 516.00000 Ma

Collections (32 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Jinnigian538.8 - 530.7China (Yunnan) Actinotheca mira (201551)
Nemakit-Daldynian - Tommotian538.8 - 521.0China (Hubei) Cupittheca mira (155465)
Early/Lower Cambrian538.8 - 509.0China (Shaanxi) Cupitheca mira (86613)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Hubei) Paragloborilus mirus (107636 107665 107789 108414)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Yunnan) Actinotheca mira (201521 201557 201565 201566 201572 201577 201578 201580 201586 201587 201590 201591 201593)
Meishucunian530.7 - 521.0China (Shaanxi) Cupitheca brevituba (107775) Paragloborilus mirus (107790)
Meishucunian - Tommotian530.7 - 521.0China (Yunnan) Actinotheca mira (86664 96286 96288) Cupittheca mira (96449)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0China (Yunnan) Cupittheca mira (171902)
Tommotian525.5 - 521.0China (Hubei) Cupittheca mira (155442 155444 155445)
Atdabanian521.0 - 516.0China (Shaanxi) Actinotheca mira (57690)
Montezuman520.0 - 515.3Mexico Cupitheca mira (203107)