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Cephalopoda - Phylloceratida - Phylloceratidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1939Zetoceras Kovacs
1969Phylloceras (Zetoceras) Westermann p. 36
1977Phylloceras (Zetoceras) Kennedy and Klinger p. 352
1996Phylloceras (Zetoceras) Wright et al. p. 1
1998Zetoceras Géczy and Meister
2002Zetoceras Sepkoski
2003Zetoceras Meister and Friebe
2006Zetoceras Hillebrandt p. 36

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
orderPhylloceratida(Zittel 1884)
superfamilyPhylloceratoidea(Zittel 1884)
familyPhylloceratidaeZittel 1884
subfamilyPhylloceratinaeZittel 1884
genusZetocerasKovacs 1939

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Zetoceras Kovacs 1939
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Zetoceras bonarellii Bettoni 1900
Zetoceras chantrei Munier-Chalmas 1880
Zetoceras lavizzarii Hauer 1854
Zetoceras oenotrium Fucini 1901
Zetoceras prinzi Vadász 1908
Zetoceras zetes d'Orbigny 1850
Invalid names: Phylloceras pseudozetes Fucini 1908 [synonym]
Invalid names: Ammonites heterophyllus amalthei Quenstedt 1846 [replaced]
No diagnoses are available
shell height2631.
shell diameter2665.134.0220.062.538.4
shell inflation264.362.0010.04.502.11

Composition: aragoniteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: actively mobileo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2009-09-27 10:11:29
Modified: 2009-09-27 12:11:29
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Hendy et al. 2009, Kiessling 2003

Age range: base of the Semicostatum to the top of the Early/Lower Callovian or 196.50000 to 161.20000 Ma

Collections (121 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Austria Z. complanatum (38058)
Hettangian - Sinemurian201.3 - 190.8Romania Z. prinzi (219456)
Early/Lower Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Slovakia Z. complanatum, Z. oenotrium (195484)
Early/Lower Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Austria Z. sp. (218900)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Austria Phylloceras sp. (196516) Z. sp. (218901)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Hungary (Veszprém Megye) Z. zetes (78278)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Morocco Z. zetes (200472 200474 200475 200476 200505 200507 200610)
Obtusum196.5 - 189.6Hungary (Veszprém Megye) Z. oenotrium (78282) Z. zetes (78209)
Obtusum - Raricostatum196.5 - 189.6Hungary Z. zetes (78796)
Obtusum - Raricostatum196.5 - 189.6Hungary (Veszprém Megye) Z. oenotrium (78211 78284 78410) Z. oenotrium, Z. zetes (78210)
Oxynotum - Raricostatum196.5 - 189.6Hungary Z. sp. (78793)
Raricostatum196.5 - 189.6Turkey Z. sp. (147281 147343)
Raricostatum196.5 - 189.6Ukraine (Crimea) Z. zetes (230735)
Late/Upper Sinemurian - Early/Lower Pliensbachian196.5 - 183.0Hungary Z. zetes (78630)
Late/Upper Sinemurian - Late/Upper Pliensbachian196.5 - 183.0Austria Z. sp. (218910 218932)
Raricostatum - Davoei196.5 - 183.0Hungary Z. zetes (78690)
Raricostatum - Ibex196.5 - 183.0Hungary Z. iudicariense (78689)
Raricostatum - Jamesoni196.5 - 183.0Turkey Z. zetes, Z. lavizzarii (147286)
Semicostatum - Ibex196.5 - 183.0Hungary Z. zetes (78688)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Morocco Z. zetes (148937)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Austria Z. zetes (218330)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Canada (British Columbia) Phylloceras bonarellii (33141 33232 33267)
Imlayi189.6 - 186.7Canada (British Columbia) Phylloceras bonarellii (33128)
Whiteavesi189.6 - 186.7Canada (British Columbia) Phylloceras bonarellii (32848)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Argentina Z. iudicarense (181771)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. bonarelli (109695) Z. bonarelli, Z. zetes (109153 109517) Z. zetes (109518 109587)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Slovakia Z. zetes (218340)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Austria Z. zetes (194504)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Turkey Z. lavizzarii (147336) Z. sp. (147294)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Hungary (Veszprém Megye) Z. bonarelli, Z. sp., Z. zetes (81547) Z. bonarelli, Z. zetes (81549) Z. sp., Z. zetes (81548)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. sp. (78856) Z. zetes (78858 78861)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Morocco Z. sp. (148875)
Ibex - Davoei189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. zetes (78852)
Jamesoni189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. sp. (81530)
Jamesoni189.6 - 183.0Turkey Z. sp. (147313 147333)
Jamesoni189.6 - 183.0Austria Z. zetes (194498 194500 194501)
Jamesoni189.6 - 183.0Hungary (Veszprém Megye) Z. iudicariense (81569)
Jamesoni - Davoei189.6 - 183.0Austria Z. zetes (194503)
Jamesoni - Ibex189.6 - 183.0Turkey Z. zetes (147326) Z. zetes, Z. lavizzarii (147302)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Russian Federation (Siberia) Z. zetes (50221 50222 50223)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. bonarelli (109105 109139 109511 109513 109571 109687 109688 109691) Z. bonarelli, Z. zetes (109100 109138 109152 109494 109495 109496 109514 109515) Z. zetes (109097 109099 109104 109106 109108 109109 109110 109143 109491 109492 109497 109499 109501 109510 109519 109526 109693 109694)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Chile Z. bonarellii (181770)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Austria Z. zetes (194505)
Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0Italy Z. sp. (196621 196624 196680 196681)
Spinatum189.6 - 183.0Hungary Z. bonarelli (109678) Z. sp., Z. zetes (118887)
Spinatum - Tenuicostatum189.6 - 182.0Hungary Z. zetes, Z. iudicariense (109576)
Kunae185.7 - 184.1Canada (British Columbia) Phylloceras bonarellii (32861 33119 33165)
Tenuicostatum183.0 - 182.0Hungary Z. zetes (118886)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1Turkey Z. sp. (147297 147298)
Early/Lower Bajocian171.6 - 168.4USA (Alaska) Phylloceras zetes (175656)
Early/Lower Callovian164.7 - 161.2Madagascar (Boeny) Z. chantrei (234096)