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Modiolus carpenteri

Bivalvia - Mytilida - Mytilidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1864Modiola fornicata Carpenter p. 643
1864Modiolus fornicata Carpenter p. 643
1903Modiolus fornicatus Arnold p. 120
1931Volsella fornicata Clark
1957Modiolus fornicatus Valentine
1963Modiolus carpenteri Soot-Ryen p. 127
1983Modiolus (Modiolus) carpenteri Moore p. A77 figs. Plate 20,figures 7,8
2000Modiolus (Modiolus) carpenteri Coan et al. p. 185
2021Modiolus carpenteri Hendy

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
MytilomorphiFerussac 1822
orderMytilida(Rafinesque 1815)
superfamilyMytiloideaRafinesque 1815
familyMytilidaeRafinesque 1815
genusModiolus(Lamarck 1801)
speciescarpenteriSoot-Ryen 1963

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Modiolus carpenteri Soot-Ryen 1963
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Invalid names: Modiolus fornicata Carpenter 1864 [replaced], Volsella fornicata Carpenter 1864 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: aragonitef
Composition 2: low Mg calcitef
Entire body: yesf
Adult length: 10 to < 100f
Adult width: 10 to < 100f
Adult height: 10 to < 100f
Thickness: intermediatef
Folds: nonef
Ribbing: minorf
Spines: nonef
Internal reinforcement: nonef
Ontogeny: accretionf
Environment: lagoonal, coastal, inner shelf, outer shelf, oceanic, brackish, freshwaterf
Locomotion: stationaryg
Attached: yesg
Epibiont: yesg
Life habit: semi-infaunalg
Diet: suspension feederg
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-29 15:52:47
Modified: 2009-09-09 10:25:35
Source: g = genus, f = family, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Pliocene to the top of the Late/Upper Pleistocene or 5.33300 to 0.01170 Ma

Collections (21 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Pliocene5.333 - 2.588USA (California) Modiolus fornicatus (194664)
Pleistocene2.588 - 0.0117Mexico (Baja California) Modiolus fornicatus (96590 96592)
Quaternary2.58 - 0.0USA (California) Modiolus fornicatus (37939 37947)
Middle Pleistocene0.774 - 0.129USA (California) Modiola fornicata (222663) Modiolus fornicatus (207886 223327) Volsella fornicata (202634 202635 202639 202645 202647)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Mexico Modiolus fornicatus (52347 67641 67642 226467)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117Mexico (Baja California) Modiolus fornicatus (96591)
Late/Upper Pleistocene0.129 - 0.0117USA (California) Modiola fornicata (222661) Modiolus carpenteri (96936) Modiolus fornicatus (96566)