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Bivalvia - Pectinida - Pectinidae

Radulopecten was named by Rollier (1911) [Sepkoski's age data: J Aale J Tith-u]. It is not extant.

It was reranked as Chlamys (Radulopecten) by Rollier (1911) and Fischer (1964).

It was assigned to Chlamys by Rollier (1911) and Fischer (1964); to Pectinidae by Hayami (1975); and to Pterioida by Sepkoski (2002).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1911Chlamys (Radulopecten) Rollier
1911Radulopecten Rollier
1964Chlamys (Radulopecten) Fischer
1975Radulopecten Hayami
2002Radulopecten Sepkoski

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderPectinida(Gray 1854)
suborderPectinidina(Adams and Adams 1858)
superfamilyPectinoideaRafinesque 1815
PectinoidaeRafinesque 1815
familyPectinidaeWilkes 1810
genusRadulopectenRollier 1911

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Radulopecten Rollier 1911
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Radulopecten fibrosus Sowerby 1816
Radulopecten vagans Sowerby 1826
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitef
Composition 2: aragonitef
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: facultatively mobilef
Life habit: low-level epifaunalf
Diet: suspension feederf
Vision: limitedf
Created: 2007-10-05 05:02:01
Modified: 2010-02-16 06:48:49
Source: f = family, o = order
Reference: Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Bajocian to the top of the Early/Lower Tithonian or 170.30000 to 145.00000 Ma

Collections (182 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Middle Jurassic174.7 - 161.5United Kingdom (Gloucestershire) Chlamys vagans (204057 204067)
Late/Upper Bajocian - Early/Lower Bathonian171.6 - 164.7France R. inequicostatus (9140) R. vagans (9138)
Bajocian170.3 - 168.3Romania R. vagans (122236 122238 122241 122242)
Bajocian170.3 - 168.3Serbia and Montenegro R. vagans (132950 132951)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1China (Qinghai) R. tipperi (37919)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1China R. shuanghuensis, R. tipperi (127178)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1Hungary R. sp. (125456)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1United Kingdom (England) R. vagans (36553)
Bathonian168.3 - 166.1France Chlamys vagans (38738)
Bathonian - Kimmeridgian168.3 - 152.1China (Qinghai) R. sp., R. pamirensis, R. tipperi (59649)
Early/Lower Bathonian167.7 - 164.7Iran R. sp. (37564 37566)
Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Champagne-Ardenne) Chlamys vagans (96155 96182 96186 96187)
Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Picardie) Chlamys vagans (96147 96150)
Middle Bathonian - Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Picardie) Chlamys vagans (96146 96152 96153 96158 96159 96163 96170)
Middle Bathonian - Late/Upper Bathonian167.7 - 164.7France (Champagne-Ardenne) Chlamys vagans (96180)
Callovian - Kimmeridgian166.1 - 152.1China (Qinghai) R. sp. (68578 68579)
Middle Callovian - Early/Lower Kimmeridgian164.7 - 150.8Iran (Tabas Area) R. inequicostatus (41417)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3Egypt Pecten fibrosus (171262)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3France R. scarburgensis (8807)
Oxfordian163.5 - 157.3United Kingdom (England) Pecten vagans (47363) R. fibrosus (1508 1555 1562 1567 1568 1573 1602 1603 1604 1900 1901 1903 1904 1915 1917 1920 2093 2101 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2143 2144 2649 2651 2652 2653 2657 2658 2659 2663 2664 2665 2668 2669) R. sp., R. fibrosus (1560) R. varians (1504 1505 1565 1599) R. varians, R. fibrosus (1558 1559 1561 1563 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1906 1907 1909 1914)
Oxfordian - Tithonian163.5 - 145.0Japan (Kochi) R. nagatakensis, R. ogawensis (40473)
Oxfordian - Tithonian163.5 - 145.0Japan (Kumamoto) R. nagatakensis (40557) R. ogawensis (40342)
Late/Upper Jurassic161.5 - 145.0France R. scarburgensis (8609)
Early/Lower Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7United Kingdom (England) R. fibrosus (4092 4093 5936)
Early/Lower Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France R. fibrosus (8654 8836)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France R. fibrosus (4786 4789) R. sp. (4782 4784 4850) R. varians (4082 4783) R. varians, R. fibrosus (4779 4781 4785 4849 4855)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7United Kingdom (England) R. fibrosus (4085 4086 4094 4095 4097 5938 5939 5940) R. varians, R. fibrosus (5937)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7Germany R. strictus, R. fibrosus (60387)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7Spain Chlamys fibrosus (142606 142607) R. fibrosus (36215)
Late/Upper Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France (Normandy) R. fibrosus (4780 4787) R. varians, R. fibrosus (4080 4777 4788 4852)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France R. fibrosus (4077 4856 4859 4860 4905 4906 4907 4918 4920)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7United Kingdom (England) R. fibrosus (4087 4088 4091)
Middle Oxfordian161.2 - 155.7France (Normandy) R. fibrosa (4926) R. fibrosus (4904 4915 4916 4919 4921 5242 5245 5248) R. varians (4857)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1Japan (Fukushima) R. ogawensis (40546)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1Tanzania R. sp. (35569)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1United Kingdom (England) R. fibrosus (1569 1571 1572) R. strictrus (8600)
Kimmeridgian157.3 - 152.1China (Xizang) R. sp. (61451)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Baden-Württemberg) R. sigmaringensis (41817 154138)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany R. fibrosus (211294)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Tanzania R. kinjeleensis (36299 36312 36333 36335)
Late/Upper Kimmeridgian155.7 - 150.8Germany (Bavaria) R. sp. (132944)
Early/Lower Tithonian150.8 - 145.0Tanzania R. scarburgensis (35571)