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Synastrapotherium amazonense


Xenastrapotherium amazonense differs from all other species of the genus Xenastrapotherium by having a substantially larger upper M3. M3 ectoloph length for X. amazonense falls outside the observed range for Xenastrapotherium kraglievichi and is 30% greater than that of X. chaparralensis.

Synastrapotherium amazonense was named by Paula Couto (1976). Its type specimen is DGM 574-M, a maxilla (a maxillary fragment with complete M3, including part of the jugal and inferior margin of the orbit), and it is a 3D body fossil.

It was recombined as Xenastrapotherium amazonense by Johnson and Madden (1997).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1997Xenastrapotherium amazonense Johnson and Madden

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