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Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Bimuriidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1942Bimuria Ulrich and Cooper
1977Bimuria Mitchell
2000Bimuria Williams et al. p. 317
2002Bimuria Sepkoski
2005Bimuria Cocks p. 270
2010Bimuria Cocks

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EubilateriaAx 1987
PanbrachiopodaCarlson and Cohen 2020
phylumBrachiopodaCuvier 1805
subphylumRhynchonelliformeaWilliams et al. 1996
classStrophomenataWilliams et al 1996
orderStrophomenidaOpik 1934
superfamilyPlectambonitoideaJones 1928
familyBimuriidaeCooper 1956
genusBimuriaUlrich and Cooper 1942

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Bimuria Ulrich and Cooper 1942
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Subg. †Bimuria (Bimuria) Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Bimuria buttsi Cooper 1956
Bimuria californiensis Potter 1990
Bimuria dyfiensis Lockley 1980
Bimuria immatura Cooper 1956
Bimuria parvula Cooper 1956
Bimuria perrugata Reed 1945
Bimuria popovi Cocks 2005
Bimuria superba Ulrich and Cooper 1942
Bimuria youngiana Davidson 1870
Bimuria youngiana recta Williams 1962
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitep
Entire body: yesg
Adult length: 10 to < 100g
Adult width: 10 to < 100g
Adult height: 1.0 to < 10g
Folds: noneg
Ribbing: minorg
Spines: noneg
Internal reinforcement: noneg
Environment: marineuc
Locomotion: stationaryo
Attached: yesp
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Comments: BODY SIZE: Data from Williams et al. (2000).g
Created: 2009-06-10 12:11:23
Modified: 2009-06-10 14:11:23
Source: g = genus, o = order, c = class, p = phylum, uc = unranked clade
References: Aberhan et al. 2004, Nesnidal et al. 2013, Hendy 2009

Age range: base of the Darriwilian to the top of the Richmondian or 467.30000 to 445.50000 Ma

Collections (55 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (Alabama) B. siphonata (162364)
Chazyan470.0 - 457.3USA (Tennessee) B. superba (164884)
Abereiddian468.0 - 461.1United Kingdom (Scotland) B. buttsi (164926)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Canada (Newfoundland) B. sp. (185947 185948 185949 185950)
Llandeilo461.1 - 458.4United Kingdom (Scotland) B. buttsi (164928 164931 164937 164941)
Llandeilo461.1 - 458.4USA (California) B. sp. 1 (56190)
Costonian458.4 - 457.2United Kingdom (Scotland) B. buttsi (76076)
Costonian - Harnagian458.4 - 457.2Sweden B. sp. (2766 2767)
Aurelucian458.4 - 456.6United Kingdom (Scotland) B. youngiana (165033)
Soudleyan - Marshbrookian458.4 - 454.0United Kingdom (Wales) B. sp. (3368)
Soudleyan - Marshbrookian458.4 - 454.0Norway B. sp. (2945)
Sandbian458.4 - 453.0Russian Federation (Siberia) B. bugryschichiensis (206162)
Sandbian458.4 - 453.0USA (Alaska) B. gilbertella (164856)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5USA (California) B. sp. 2 (69221 69228)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5Kazakhstan B. sp. (165646)
Turinian457.3 - 453.8USA (Virginia) B. lamellosa (76338 76449)
Turinian457.3 - 453.8Canada (British Columbia) B. superba (35426)
Mohawkian457.3 - 451.0USA (Nevada) B. sp. (321 104488)
Ashbyan457.3 - 449.6USA (Virginia) B. parvula (197377) B. superba, B. immatura (164296)
Ashbyan457.3 - 449.6USA (Alabama) B. buttsi (164883)
Ashbyan457.3 - 449.6USA (Alaska) B. gilbertella (164853)
Blackriveran457.3 - 449.6USA (Pennsylvania) B. parvula (162391)
Rocklandian457.3 - 449.6USA (Nevada) B. superba (331)
Rocklandian - Kirkfieldian457.3 - 449.6United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) B. youngiana (89157)
Longvillian457.2 - 455.0Ireland (Leinster) B. sp. (55677)
Longvillian457.2 - 455.0Ireland (Lenister) B. sp. (55702)
Burrellian456.6 - 452.5United Kingdom (Scotland) B. perrugata (78001) B. youngiana (165038 165043 165046 165047 165048 165049 165050)
Burrellian - Cheneyan456.6 - 451.3United Kingdom (Wales) B. dyfiensis (173805)
Actonian - Onnian454.0 - 449.5China (Sichuan) B. sp. (7667)
Onnian - Pusgillian453.0 - 449.2United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) B. sp. (163265)
Katian - Hirnantian453.0 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) B. popovi (73413)
Cheneyan452.5 - 451.3United Kingdom (Scotland) B. youngiana (164412)
Richmondian449.6 - 445.5United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) B. sp. (89260)
Pirgu449.5 - 445.2Sweden (Vastergotland) B. sp. (74932)
Pirgu - Hirnantian449.5 - 443.4Sweden (Dalarne) B. popovi (73466)
Cautleyan449.2 - 448.8United Kingdom B. sp. (163264)
Rawtheyan448.8 - 445.2United Kingdom (Wales) B. sp. (8370)