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Weyla (Weyla) alata

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Neitheidae

Pecten alatus was named by von Buch (1838). It is not extant.

It was recombined as Weyla (Weyla) alata by Aberhan (1998); it was recombined as Weyla alata by Damborenea and Manceñido (1979) and Scholz et al. (2008).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1838Pecten alatus von Buch
1933Parapecten praecursor Crickmay p. 905 figs. Pl 25, figs 4,5
1979Weyla alata Damborenea and Manceñido p. 97
1979Weyla praecursor Damborenea and Manceñido p. 98
1998Weyla (Weyla) alata Aberhan p. 119 figs. Pl 15, figs 3, 5-8; pl 16, figs 3,12
2008Weyla alata Scholz et al.

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EubilateriaAx 1987
subclassAutobranchia(Groblen 1894)
infraclassPteriomorphia(Beurlen 1944)
OstreomorphiFerussac 1822
OstreioniFerussac 1822
OstreataFerussac 1822
superorderOstreiformiiFerussac 1822
orderPectinida(Gray 1854)
suborderPectinidina(Adams and Adams 1858)
superfamilyPectinoideaRafinesque 1815
NeitheoidaeSobetski 1960
familyNeitheidaeSobetzky 1960
genusWeylaBöhm 1920
subgenusWeylaBoehm 1922
speciesalata(von Buch 1838)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Weyla (Weyla) alata von Buch 1838
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Invalid names: Parapecten praecursor Crickmay 1933 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calciteg
Composition 2: aragoniteg
Environment: marineo
Locomotion: actively mobilesuperf
Life habit: epifaunalsuperf
Diet: suspension feedersuperf
Vision: limitedf
Created: 2007-11-15 07:14:57
Modified: 2007-11-15 09:14:57
Source: g = genus, f = family, superf = superfamily, o = order
References: Kiessling 2004, Sanchez Roig 1926, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Late/Upper Sinemurian to the top of the Early/Lower Toarcian or 196.50000 to 182.00000 Ma

Collections (92 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Jurassic201.4 - 174.7Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53469 53761 53763 53779)
Late/Upper Hettangian - Early/Lower Sinemurian201.3 - 189.6Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53760)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53293 53758)
Sinemurian199.3 - 190.8Canada (Yukon) Weyla alata (53744)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Chile Weyla alata (32416 95549)
Late/Upper Sinemurian196.5 - 189.6Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (21252 53193 53198 53199 53350 53754 53755 53756 53757 53759 53762)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Chile Weyla alata (58537 95565)
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53544 53745)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Chile Weyla alata (33605 33606 33607 33608 33609 33611 34064 34079 34081 34082 34083 34084 34085 34086 34087 34088 34089 95385 95398 95421 95427 95433)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53248 53553 53560 53567 53752 53765 53766 53769 53770 53772 53773 53774 53775 53776 53777)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53110 53168 53183 53283)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Chile Weyla alata (33655 33656 33881 33882 33883 33887 33888 33889 33890 35456 95431 95443)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Canada (British Columbia) Weyla alata (53547 53746 53749 53764 53767 53768 53771 53778)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian - Early/Lower Toarcian189.6 - 182.0Argentina (Chubut) Weyla alata (204711)
Early/Lower Toarcian183.0 - 182.0Chile Weyla alata (95450 95560 95564 95569)
Toarcian182.7 - 174.1Argentina (Neuquen) Weyla alata (33827)