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Ozarkodina remscheidensis remscheidensis

Conodonta - Ozarkodinida

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1960Spathognathodus remscheidensis Ziegler
1964Spathognathodus steinhornensis remscheidensis Walliser
1974Ozarkodina remscheidensis remscheidensis Klapper and Murphy

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
classConodontaPander 1856
orderOzarkodinidaDzik 1976
suborderOzarkodininaDzik 1976
superfamilyPolygnathaceaBassler 1925
genusOzarkodinaDzik 2002
speciesremscheidensis(Ziegler 1960)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: hydroxyapatitec
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: nektonicc
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-02-03 07:48:42
Modified: 2010-02-12 04:00:46
Source: c = class
Reference: Aberhan 1992

Age range: base of the Ludfordian to the top of the Pragian or 425.60000 to 407.60000 Ma

Collections (59 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Ludfordian425.6 - 423.0United Kingdom Ozarkodina remscheidensis (182241 184244)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Czech Republic Spathognathodus remscheidensis (13894 13896)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2Australia (New South Wales) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (187254 187255)
Pridoli423.0 - 419.2USA (Nevada) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (180837 180839)
Pridoli - Pragian423.0 - 407.6Australia (New South Wales) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (194215 194224 194227 194228 194229 194237 194255 194283 194288 194289)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8USA (Texas) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (3530)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Morocco Ozarkodina remscheidensis (186373 186374 186403 186426)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Czech Republic Spathognathodus remscheidensis (13895)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8USA (Nevada) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (180840 180841 181133)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Bulgaria Ozarkodina remscheidensis (187213 187214 187215 187216 187217 187218 187219 187220 187221 187222)
Lochkovian419.2 - 410.8Australia (New South Wales) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (187250) Spathognathodus remscheidensis (24900)
Pragian410.8 - 407.6Australia (New South Wales) Ozarkodina remscheidensis (194300 194305 194319 194320 194323 194326 194327 194329 194333 194334 194335 194338 194341 194343 194345 194346 194347 194349 194351 194352)