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Baltograptus deflexus

Pterobranchia - Graptoloidea - Didymograptidae

Didymograptus deflexus was named by Elles and Wood (1901).

It was recombined as Corymbograptus deflexus by Strachan (1981); it was recombined as Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus by Toro (1994); it was recombined as Baltograptus deflexus by Toro and Maletz (2008), Rushton (2011) and Lo Valvo et al. (2020).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1901Didymograptus deflexus Elles and Wood
1908Didymograptus deflexus Elles and Wood
1981Corymbograptus deflexus Strachan p. 20
1994Didymograptus (Corymbograptus) deflexus Toro figs. pl. 2 f. 5, 9, 14
2008Baltograptus deflexus Toro and Maletz
2011Baltograptus deflexus Rushton pp. 322 - 323 figs. 2A, B, C?, D–L; 3
2020Baltograptus deflexus Lo Valvo et al. p. 539 fig. 3.4

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumHemichordataBateson 1885
classPterobranchiaLankester 1877
subclassGraptolithina(Bronn 1849)
orderGraptoloideaLapworth 1875
familyDidymograptidaeMu 1950
genusBaltograptusMaletz 1994
speciesdeflexus(Elles and Wood 1901)

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Baltograptus deflexus Elles and Wood 1901
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A. W. A. Rushton 2011Slender deflexed Baltograptus with artus-type development. Sicula 1.4–1.6 mm long, about 0.3 mm wide at the aperture, supradorsal part 0.7–1.0 mm long, free ventrally for 0.25–0.5 mm. Th 11 originates about 0.5 mm below the tip of the sicula and is the dicalycal theca, indicating artus-type development. All specimens appear to be right-handed, except Fig. 2C, the identification of which is accordingly doubtful. Stipe 1 at its origin is about 0.3 mm in diameter. The stipe at the aperture of th11 is about 0.6 mm wide and the stipes widen only gradually; they are less than 1 mm wide at th 4 or 5, where the stipes make the outward bend; they seldom exceed 1·0 mm in width distally. Thecal spacing distal of the outward bend is about 13 per 10 mm (2TRD around 1.6). The thecal inclination is up to about 30º.
No measurements are available
Composition: "sclero-protein"c
Locomotion: passively mobileo
Life habit: planktonico
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: blindc
Created: 2004-02-28 15:07:12
Modified: 2009-05-19 07:15:15
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Aberhan 1992, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Moridunian to the top of the Caradoc or 477.70000 to 449.50000 Ma

Collections (17 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Ordovician485.4 - 470.0Argentina (Jujuy) Baltograptus deflexus (220274 220277)
Arenig478.6 - 466.0Argentina Didymograptus deflexus (8777 9009 9012 9022)
Moridunian477.7 - 473.8Bolivia Baltograptus deflexus (90413)
Floian477.7 - 470.0Russian Federation (Siberia) Corymbograptus deflexus (205382)
Yapeenian470.3 - 467.3New Zealand Didymograptus deflexus (63326 63327 63331 63370)
Castlemainian470.0 - 470.3New Zealand Didymograptus deflexus (63284)
Dapingian470.0 - 467.3Russian Federation (Siberia) Corymbograptus deflexus (205387 205563)
Darriwilian467.3 - 458.4Russian Federation (Siberia) Corymbograptus deflexus (205561)
Caradoc458.4 - 449.5Canada (British Columbia) Didymograptus deflexus (25170)