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Abundacapsa impages

Coccogoneae - Chroococcales - Chroococcaceae

Abundacapsa impages was named by Licari (1978). Its type specimen is thin section C2S0(1S) from the Cloud Collection, Biogeology Clean Laboratory, University of California, Santa Barbara and is a 3D body fossil. Its type locality is Locality 2 of 23/2/69, which is in a Tonian marine chert/dolomite in the Beck Spring Formation of California. It is the type species of Abundacapsa.

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1978Abundacapsa impages Licari p. 780 figs. Pl. 2, fig. 7; Table 1

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phylumCyanobacteriaStanier 1973
classCoccogoneaeThuret 1975

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Abundacapsa impages Licari 1978
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G. R. Licari 1978 for the genus, individual cells averaging S.6 μ,m in diameter (for 82 cells measured). Colonial aggregates form rinds up to 92 μ,m thick around exterior of oncolites. Table 1 summarizes pertinent morphologic characteristics.
No measurements are available
Environment: hypersaline, marine, brackish, freshwaterp
Locomotion: stationaryp
Diet: "photoautotroph"p
Created: 2007-12-04 09:01:31
Modified: 2007-12-04 11:01:31
Source: p = phylum
Reference: Vachard and Aretz 2004

Age range: Tonian or 1000.00000 to 850.00000 Ma

Collections: one only

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tonian1000.0 - 850.0USA (California) Abundacapsa impages (type locality: 208337)