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Vase shaped microfossil

Cycliocyrillium was named by Porter et al. (2003). It is considered to be a form taxon. Its type is Cycliocyrillium simplex.

It was assigned to Eucarya by Porter et al. (2003); and to Eukarya by Cohen et al. (2017).

C. rootsi, C. simplex (type species), C. torquata

Synonymy list
YearName and author
2003Cycliocyrillium Porter et al. p. 415 figs. Figure 6.1–6.9
2017Cycliocyrillium Cohen et al. p. 697

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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Cycliocyrillium Porter et al. 2003
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Cycliocyrillium rootsi Cohen et al. 2017
Cycliocyrillium simplex Porter et al. 2003
Cycliocyrillium torquata Porter 2003
P.A. Cohen et al. 2017Bulbous to pyriform VSMs having a circular aperture either flush with the test or associated with a narrow collar or short uncurved neck, not exceeding one- tenth of the total length of the specimen; angle between the apertural plane and the aboral axis ~90°.
No measurements are available
No ecological data are available

Age range: Tonian or 1000.00000 to 850.00000 Ma

Collections (5 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tonian1000.0 - 850.0USA (Arizona) C. simplex, C. torquata (238047)
Neoproterozoic1000.0 - 541.0USA (Arizona) C. simplex, C. torquata (230323)
Neoproterozoic1000.0 - 541.0Canada (Yukon) C. rootsi, C. simplex (230322) C. rootsi, C. simplex, C. torquata (230320) C. simplex, C. torquata (230321)